Conspiracy theories (bunk, probably) abound that the plane was running out of fuel and was denied permission to land in nearby Bagram airport, a U.S. base.
In the early days of the uprising against her father, she was reportedly on a Libyan Arab Airlines turbo-prop plane that was refused permission to land in Malta.
MSN: Hundreds of foreigners leaving Tripoli - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC News
The minister told CNN that Aristide had been granted permission to land in the country after Aristide himself -- as well as the U.S. and French governments -- requested it.
It is contended that an aircraft carrying General Pervez Musharraf home from Sri Lanka was refused permission to land by Mr Sharif's government, endangering the lives of the 200 people aboard, including the general, now Pakistan's military ruler.
Stephen Langford, chief officer of the Housing Department, said three reports were being put before the States next year asking for permission to develop more land as social housing.
Two judicial reviews will be heard in October over the matter - one against the Welsh government for its decision to repeal the act and the second is against the council giving permission to sell the land.
BBC: Abergavenny cattle market: public meeting over its future
And a new aviation measure calls on states to deny aircraft permission to take off, land or fly over their territory if illicit cargo is suspected to be aboard.
Travellers bought the meadow on Southend Lane in Newent in 2009 and appealed after planning permission to build on the land was refused.
That assumes that permission can even be found to land the LNG.
One reason she highlighted was a fragmented and inefficient industry, whose firms competed not for customers by offering better homes or building them more cheaply but for that scarce British commodity, land with permission to develop.
Even according to the pastor, the church sits on land that it no longer has legal permission to use.
FORBES: Russian Authorities' Shocking Nighttime Demolition of a Pentecostal Church in Moscow
By not questioning the veracity of the affidavit or the assertion that the IDF is required to destroy homes built on private land without the permission of the owner, the state prosecution, which is supposed to represent the elected government, left the justices no choice.
Today in the United States, only approved researchers may collect vertebrates on public land, but a hunter who finds a fossil on his property, or on private land where he has permission to dig, can sell it, exhibit it, export it whatever.
The prosecution's key witness, the former head of Pakistan's aviation authority, testified that Sharif ordered him to refuse permission for the plane carrying military chief Pervez Musharraf and 200 other passengers to land in Islamabad, even though fuel was running dangerously low, AP said.
He proposes that local councils be given the power to buy agricultural land from farmers and then sell it, with planning permission, to developers.
The House bill would require states to give their permission for drilling on their land.
To get permission to build a house on state-owned land took six years and 11 months of navigating the bureaucracy and getting papers notarized.
Planning permission for the proposal by Hallam Land Management to build 326 homes on land next to Weddington Parish Church was granted last year.
The developers who own the land have given the group permission to use it for one year, after which they plan to move their garden to a new derelict site.
BBC: WI gardeners grow vegetables on St Leonards building site
Hunting is allowed on certain public and -- with the owner's permission -- private land, allowing experienced hunters to set out on their own.
The National Trust owns the land and granted permission for the museum to excavate the remains, thought to be around 128 million years old.
This government and the previous Labour government believed this necessary to reflect the fact that developers have seen an increased price of land with newly granted planning permission, and that developers must help a community with extra infrastructure to deal with the increased numbers of inhabitants.
In 2009 the city council granted the club permission to build a 30, 000 seat stadium on the land at Ashton Vale.
The island, originally part of land belonging to Milton Abbey, has planning permission to replace a bungalow with a 2, 000 sq ft three-bedroom house.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Dorset | Island on the market for ?2.5m
The base is on Crown land and that means planning permission does not have to follow the normal procedure for any development on the site.
Despite its name, Bosham Allotment Group has no land after a failed bid to obtain planning permission to convert a disused field in the village.
Would-be buyers and sellers approach the local chief, who confirms that the seller owns the land he is selling, and gives him permission to sell it.
In May, Guernsey's Environment Department granted permission for a hangar for large executive private jets to be built on land adjacent to the airport.
Her eldest son, Robert, said that the family had obtained permission from land-owners, whose property bordered the beach, to extend the search onto their land.
They have a point too: in the South of the country the most expensive part of housebuilding is the permit to build a house on a particular piece of land: the planning permission.