Together, they paint a picture of debilitating workloads, high injury rates and persistent pain at Hyatt hotels.
He had been expected to be released on Wednesday, but doctors kept him in hospital for a further night after "persistent pain".
These drugs, used for treating patients with severe, persistent pain, provide needed relief for millions but also pose a serious risk of abuse, overdose, and death.
The telltale signs of a problem are a fever and persistent pain that's disproportionate to the injury: Sometimes it's "the worst pain they've ever experienced, " he said.
Curry has rarely practiced this year due to persistent pain in his right shin, but he's averaging about 17 points and shooting nearly 44 percent from 3-point range entering the week.
Everyone should be alert to the signs and symptoms of cancer - such as weight loss, persistent pain and lumps and bumps and visit their GP immediately if they have concerns.
Those symptoms started within a few weeks: "I experienced a sudden, severe pain in my left abdomen, perhaps the worse persistent pain I have ever known, " Smarr wrote in an article in Strategic News.
Symptoms of ovarian cancer can include persistent pelvic or abdominal pain, persistent bloating, difficulty eating and urinary problems, according to the charity.
For instance, cholesterol drugs are so good at preventing second heart attacks that giving them to people who have had heart attacks or persistent chest pain might save money.
If you have evidence of arthritis in the knee, persistent or recurrent knee pain, or history of a previous knee injury, this does not necessarily mean that you can't jog at all.
"Because of that I must teach my child that this is so and put that principle into practice and when my child persistently does wrong then I must show pain will follow persistent disobedience, " he added.
Symptoms include mild headaches, muscle pain, fever, a persistent cough and sometimes vomiting and diarrhoea.
If you develop difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or abdominal pain, sudden dizziness, confusion or have persistent vomiting, you should seek medical attention immediately.