From the standpoint of your personal finances and the government fisc, the effect would be identical.
Furthermore, petitioner commingled the financial affairs of his research and writing activity with his personal finances.
That may create a cash flow issue for you, depending on your personal finances.
Along the way, did we ever learn how to manage our day-to-day personal finances?
For a few years after this career switch, Bailey continued to struggle with his personal finances.
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The question is how would you do with your personal finances under the same conditions?
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They found examples of practical problems these people faced with trying to cope with their personal finances.
So how can you use the concept of radical simplicity when it comes to your personal finances?
Mr Gross denied any wrongdoing, but his clumsy attempts to explain his personal finances only made matters worse.
About four in 10 in each state say their personal finances are worse now than they were last year.
Remember that to run for public office, you must reveal your personal finances.
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He got all tangled up in his personal finances and he got crushed in the debates by Joe Lieberman.
But the questions about his personal finances, after his marriage break-up and up to the mid-1990s, wouldn't go away.
But Joe Epps, the forensic accountant who unraveled Marin's personal finances for investigators, told CNN it was all a ploy.
Much more than the biannual phone upgrade, upgrading cars every few years would be significantly damaging to my personal finances.
Hardly anyone with an occupation has the time or the inclination to keep close tabs on his or her personal finances.
In this turbulent economic time, consumers have an eye on the presidential election, wondering how their personal finances will be affected.
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Assuming your affairs are freely conducted and fairly measured, achieving the best outcome benefits both your personal finances and the overall economy.
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He had never handled their personal finances before, and now he realized he needed to be methodical to get the detailed picture.
But what does this have to do with managing our personal finances?
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The good news is that there IS help for women in abusive marriages who want to regain control of their personal finances.
Background checks delve deeper than you'd believe into the candidate's personal finances.
As with every other aspect of personal finances, proper planning is key.
Her book is as much a paean to ecologically friendly living as it is a manual on how to juggle personal finances.
And people are saying that they are concerned about their personal finances.
One quarter do not feel secure in their jobs and 38% rate their personal finances positively, both nearly the same as October 2009.
As adults, nearly every facet of life is connected intimately with the economy, and economic principles drive everything from politics to personal finances.
It is clear that he would never allow Berkshire Hathaway (let alone his personal finances) to operate with substantial debt and permanent operating losses.
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She says paying an even bigger chunk of her monthly paycheck toward insurance or an additional premium would put considerable strain on her personal finances.
On Wednesday President Hollande used a national address to promise that in future all ministers and MPs would have to declare fully their personal finances.