• The demise of the personal financial advisor can probably be a real benefit to the retail consumer if companies can step up their web presence and also create low-cost, easily explained products for their customers.

    FORBES: Regulators At Last Step Up Retail Financial Oversight

  • Other important factors: what their financial advisor thinks, personal experience with the mutual fund company and current events in the markets.

    FORBES: Mutual Fund Investors Are Not Betting On Risk

  • Nothing in this article should be construed as investment advice regarding any particular investments for any particular individual circumstance and you should consult with your own financial advisor regarding your personal situation.

    FORBES: Gold's Twelve Month March To $3,800

  • Nothing in this post should be construed as investment advice regarding any particular investments for any particular individual circumstance and you should consult with your own financial advisor regarding your personal situation.

    FORBES: How To Market Time The Fiscal Cliff

  • Another colleague, Rick Kahler, author and co-author of several books including one of my all-time personal finance favorites, The Financial Wisdom of Ebenezer Scrooge, insists every financial advisor needs his or her own financial advisor.

    FORBES: Personal Finance Is More Personal Than It Is Finance

  • You the client must be comfortable with the advice you are getting, must have a personal relationship with the advisor, meet with the advisor regularly and provide the advisor with your current financial information.

    FORBES: When to Fire a Financial Advisor

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