Personal income-tax rates are being cut at all levels, but by more for low earners, to encourage people to work.
Then, in a crude attempt to catch up with his tax-slashing rivals, he pledged to cut all personal income-tax rates by 20%.
Broadening the personal income-tax base by closing loopholes will generate substantial additional revenue while minimizing increases in marginal rates that could stifle risk-taking and robust growth.
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Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback signed into law legislation slashing the state's highest personal income-tax rate to 4.9% from 6.45%, and says his ultimate goal is to eliminate the income tax.
After all, in the past century we have had some of the highest corporate and personal income-tax rates in the world, but we have also had plenty of profitable companies and prosperous individuals.
The third reason for our low tolerance for tax pain is that the federal government in particular collects its showpiece tax -- the personal income tax -- in the most painful way possible, by asking each of us to assess the tax against ourselves.
Even more irritating, to some, are the recent increase in the top rate of personal-income tax, adjustments to tax relief on pension contributions and a one-off 50% tax on bonuses.
That will make it harder to simplify the way national-insurance contributions interact with personal-income tax.
Moret also cites the elimination of several unconventional business taxes and the adoption of the largest personal-income tax cut in state history as ways that the state has improved its economic competitiveness.
If you want to come to me with -- or come to our economists with an example of a company with a thousand workers that files on personal income tax -- files under the personal income, is an S corps -- because we're talking -- I think you may be confused here with the corporate tax rate here and the individual tax rate.
We also found that over these same years the no-income tax states created 89% more jobs and had 32% faster personal income growth than their high-tax counterparts.
Tax compliance increased and the inflation-adjusted revenues from the personal income tax rose more than 20 percent annually during the three years following the adoption of the flat-rate tax.
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Additionally, defendant Iulo is charged with one count of aggravated identity theft and one count of tax evasion for failing to timely file 2005-2008 personal income tax returns.
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Aligning employers' National Insurance floor with the personal allowance of income tax - announced March 1998.
When Reagan took office in 1981, he proposed a 10 percent across-the-board personal income tax cut each year for three years.
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He has advocated a simple two-rate personal income tax system, under which individual taxpayers could fill out their returns on a single sheet of paper.
Reducing the corporate tax rate would amplify the pro-growth effects of lower personal income tax rates.
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He pushed the still-radical idea of massive, across-the-board cuts in personal income tax rates, as well as in the capital gains levy.
One test will be the political urge to soak the rich with higher levies--Australia's top personal income tax is already in the upper reaches of our annual Misery Index.
Over the next five years, its top rate of personal income tax is to be cut from 53% to 42%, while the corporate-tax rate will be slashed from 40% to 25%, well below America's 41%.
Discussing her tax-cut proposal, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin said the reduction in personal income tax will help offset the loss residents saw with the rise in the federal payroll tax.
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In addition to lower corporate and personal income taxes, Singapore also has no capital-gains tax, no tax on bank interest and no dividends tax.
Same-sex married couples must file New York personal income tax returns as married, even though their marital status is not recognized for federal tax purposes.
This is because nearly two-thirds of US corporations end up paying the personal income tax on profits, not the corporate one.
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Tennessee is one of only nine states without a state tax on personal income, but the state faced a nine-figure budget shortfall as the end of its legislative session approached.
Federal personal income tax revenues grew at an annual rate of over 8% from 1921-1928.
The new coalition, led by Labour's 49-year-old Helen Clark, plans to increase the top rates of personal income tax, and assist poor families.
He is less ambitious on personal taxes than one of his rivals, Jon Huntsman, who would lower the top income-tax rate to 23% (versus 35% now) and pay for rate cuts by eliminating exemptions and loopholes.
The State Council said the personal income tax would be adjusted to capture more of the income from the nation's well-to-do.