Still, there is concern that the drive for Welsh is politicising, and therefore poisoning, personal relations.
There are very different conditions existing as a result of personal relations between people.
Li, the territory's premier tycoon, is a recognized master of the art of guanxi (personal relations).
They do not depend on our telephone conversations and good personal relations, they depend on IAEA experts.
But in a world where innovation and personal relations count as much as size, they might do well.
The Times of India quoted him as saying that he had informed iGATE about his "personal relations" with the female employee.
To the consultant, there can also be a significant individual effect: a dramatic change in their lifestyle, work relations, work-life balance, health and personal relations.
FORBES: Can Consultants Save Us Money By Doing More Work Remotely?
In addition, senior people who had personal relations with Mark Hurd, like chief information officer Randy Mott (who has known Hurd for decades) may feel conflicted.
But Mrs Clinton also has personal relations with world leaders dating back to her days as first lady, so they "would see me under any circumstances, " she says.
His personal relations with Mr Fini have deteriorated spectacularly.
ECONOMIST: Silvio Berlusconi's makes big plans for a new party
Personal relations among senior ministers are neither better nor worse than in most previous governments, but things will have to be tightened up if the public is not to conclude that they are dreadful.
Yet if they are failing to tackle deep-seated problems across the province, such as segregation in housing and education, they are leading by example: their political co-operation has gone hand in hand with remarkably improved personal relations.
Nasar weaves people, places, politics, banking, social injustice, war, depression, recession, personal relations, personalities, sex, anti-Semitism, self-doubt, physical impairment, espionage, poverty, personal finance, self-delusion, self-interest, and much more in a book that educates as thoroughly and gracefully as it entertains.
All of that means that GPS Spy and TapSnake is more akin to Flexispy for iPhone and BlackBerry, a paid app designed for spying on suspected cheating spouses or other personal relations, rather than a real example of malicious crimeware as was revealed last week in the Android market.
Wales's language disputes are certainly nothing to those of Belgium, where personal relations between the Flemish and Walloon communities can be rancorous, or of Quebec, where English-speakers have left in droves. (In fact, the English continue to come to Wales in substantial numbers, something many language activists deplore.) Even those who do not speak the language say they are proud of it.
People began sniping about his liberal leasing of a Gulfstream IV, occasionally flying alone, and of how he was never without his personal public-relations agent.
Their new book looks at how technology is reshaping the world on virtually every front, from personal privacy to international relations.
FORBES: Trends You Can't Afford to Ignore--From Eric Schmidt's New Book
According to the South African Institute of Race Relations, white per capita personal income is nearly eight times higher than that of black South Africans.
BBC: South Africa: Does race matter in the 'rainbow nation'?
Ms Rousseff's visit made clear that the countries' formal relations are catching up at last with the personal ties they have long enjoyed.
ECONOMIST: Two American giants are slowly getting to know each other
This was a political as well a personal nightmare, threatening the political structure of the tribe and relations with other tribes.
The report is a reminder of the paradoxical relations in many parts of the world between majoritarian democracy and personal freedom.
Ramsay skipped the personal attacks on Fastow's role as paterfamilias, focusing on the ex-CFO's relations with Lay--who also founded the energy giant.