He was seen jogging in one of the parks, in the thrall of a personal trainer.
Jon Burr, a 34-year-old personal trainer, was walking 5 miles home to Charlestown through Kenmore Square.
The gym owner said Jarrah worked out there and hired him as a personal trainer.
One friend, a personal trainer, thought that skimmed milk contained chemicals for preservation purposes.
Mr. BRIAN MCNAMEE (Roger Clemens' Former Personal Trainer): I told the truth about steroids and human growth hormone.
Christie has talked about working with a personal trainer since he first ran for governor four years ago.
Jessica Matthews, a personal trainer and exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise in San Diego, Calif.
Personal trainer and certified sports nutritionist Alyte Piedra says you should put up your dukes and fight back.
The app includes a personal trainer that can be contacted through the app.
FORBES: San Quentin Prisoners Learn Technology, Pitch Startups
It was Jazmin, the bar manager and a one-time personal trainer, who helped him get his weight under control.
WSJ: What's Your Workout?: In Pursuit of Love, Chef Learns to Love Running
The couple gave up their personal trainer and now exercise on their own.
After dropping his first 70 pounds, Bryan decided to hire a personal trainer.
Or maybe you need an image consultant to help with your brand or a personal trainer to get more energy.
My personal trainer, Malenna Saunders, who helped me get into shape for my wedding in the fall, suggested the competition.
For Sherri Thomas, president of Career Coaching 360 in Phoenix, it's similar to hiring a personal trainer at the gym.
If you hired a personal trainer to help you lose weight and you actually got fatter, you'd fire the trainer.
Check out the detailed evaluation forms and suggested questions to help you choose a gym, a personal trainer or doctor.
Now, says the third speaker, a fashionably bald individual who looks like a personal trainer, a word about the guns.
One of the people carrying the torch will be Paola Mitchell, who works as a personal trainer at Fort Regent.
At the gym, he rotates between three routines every two weeks, altering them slightly with the help of a personal trainer.
And on this Valentine's Day there's no love loss between baseball star Roger Clemens and his former personal trainer Brian McNamee.
Born and raised in Bay Ridge, Mr. Hionas, 41, is a personal trainer to some of the art world's biggest stars.
He can fire his personal trainer or check out of the clinic.
The McDonald's initiative is generating the most buzz, partly because it is being championed by Oprah Winfrey's personal trainer, Bob Greene .
This was perfectly expressed to me by a 29-year-old female personal trainer in Denver who had experimented with online dating, matchmakers and blind dates.
Had Cabrera held on to win his second green jacket in four years, the livelihoods of every golfer's personal trainer could have been in jeopardy.
Before arriving each morning, he works out with a personal trainer or studies Mandarin, which he is learning in preparation for the trip to China.
The case for multiple passions explains why I recommended that a client who felt stretched at his professional services job should hire a personal trainer.
For Ross, a 37-year-old personal trainer who lives in Brooklyn, N.