She also poured scorn on Tony Blair for turning the government into a personality cult.
Mr Berdymukhamedov chipped off just enough from Niyazov's personality cult to make some space for himself.
Last month, Mr Putin spoke out publicly against what many here see as a Soviet-style personality cult building up around him.
The Kremlin has been keen to avoid a big fuss, acutely aware that there has already been enough talk as it is of a Putin personality cult.
Nor does Beck treat his company as a personality cult, a fact he signaled by hiring Betsy Morgan, former CEO of the left-leaning Huffington Post, to run his news site, The Blaze.
In Azerbaijan there is a growing personality cult surrounding the former leader, who is regarded as a father of the nation, which became independent after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the BBC's Damien McGuinness reports from neighbouring Georgia.
Their leader, Massoud Rajavi, has strange ideas about the cult of personality (his own).
But the cult of personality and connecting with everyday voters will only carry a candidate so far.
As the cult of personality grew, investors seemed so captivated by Mr Silverman's reputation that they forgot his record.
Steve Jobs was a private person, but his insistence on privacy only fueled the cult of personality that surrounded him.
The growing American infatuation with Barack Obama had to pop eventually and this week, the cult of personality finally got punctured.
Although there is a stronger institutional feel to the hedge-fund business today, that is not to say the cult of personality has disappeared.
The former Tory chancellor is top at promoting "the cult of personality", says d'Ancona, adding that Clarke is "the man who puts the 'mess' in 'messianic'".
Annie Murphy Paul, author of The Cult of Personality: How Personality Tests Are Leading Us to Miseducate Our Children, Mismanage Our Companies, and Misunderstand Ourselves (Free Press, 2004).
Mr Berdymukhamedov's predecessor, Saparmurat Niyazov, who died in late 2006, built a cult of personality in the country and was responsible for a number of maverick policies, including banning opera and renaming the months.
BBC: Leader demands ice hockey for desert state Turkmenistan
But this is as much a consequence of the cult of personality that the media has created around him as it is a result of the double standard applied to powerful men and less powerful women caught in flagrante delicto.
FORBES: Paula Broadwell: How The Public Shaming Of 'Other Women' Ruins Lives
And I think there's been a little too much of this cult of personality recently in our politics because the Conservative Party will ultimately be judged by the electorate, not by how we look or the age of our members.
Best known for the 1988 MTV hit "Cult of Personality" and for making African-Americans more visible in mainstream rock music Living Colour visited WNYC a few days before releasing The Chair in the Doorway, its first album in six years.