What if it turned out that by enhancing intellectual ability, some other personality trait changed as well?
Not every mentor has to have this personality trait, but it just happens to be a really effective one.
Individuals with the personality trait that most strongly predicts an inclination toward liberal politics also predict an attraction to academic careers.
FORBES: The Case of the Missing Conservative Social Psychologists
Thus, thrill-seeking CEOs bring a certain element of this personality trait into the executive suite, as reflected by more aggressive corporate policies.
Statistically, this personality trait is most likely to be found in those with the least education, as well as the least income.
While this study may be the first to suggest that a personality trait may influence the risk of a repeat heart attack, many cardiologists have long known mood can affect health.
Using a large format (5x4) Wista field camera Wickes is seeking to recall the Victorian portraits of criminals that many believed at that time revealed the criminal trait or personality.
The desire to fly an airplane has been shown to represent one aspect of a sensation-seeking personality, a genetic trait associated with risky behavior involving driving, sex, sports and vocation, according to psychology studies.
WSJ: Executive No-Fly Zone? When a CEO's Thrill-Seeking Rattles the Board
But every object tells a story, and jewelry in particular offers a unique insight into the personality of the wearer, often showing an unexpected trait.
New research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggests that presidents and psychopaths share a psychological trait that may shed light on what made Teddy such a unique character.