Lead and manage the Bureau in the conceptualization and implementation of policies, strategies, plans, projects and approaches for the administration and delivery of personnel support services provided to Headquarters, Field Offices and Institutes by the Bureau of HRM, and also assess progress and determine corrective action.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Director Bureau of Human Resources Management (15/12/2010) HRM-237
Help for Heroes welcomed the apology, but said the Bureau of Investigative Journalism should also apologise to all of the wounded service personnel, their families and others who support the charity through volunteering and fundraising.
BBC: apologises for Newsnight Help for Heroes report
Pfizer has a global security team including former U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and Turkish narcotics agents, Hong Kong police and U.K. law-enforcement personnel to conduct undercover purchases and do other investigations.
WSJ: Fakes Infiltrate Injectable Drugs