But it was Riccardo Muti who eventually tied the knot last year after not a little persuasion.
Then again not even Morgan, with all his powers of persuasion, got to see everything.
It looks unwieldy to anyone of the urban-planning persuasion, but it also keeps prices down.
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And it's particularly scary for actors who aren't of the British (or Irish) persuasion.
In the end, Mr Bush's team had to resort to pettier sorts of persuasion.
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In a democracy, popular opinion is notoriously fickle and frequently insusceptible to rational persuasion.
We must look to Europe to see it done right, those of the liberal persuasion believe.
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Say God loves you - you remember that, the gentle persuasion of the teacher.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | David Davis on Breakfast with Frost
This was the price of a foreign policy based on assertion rather than on persuasion.
But the primary skills of an elastic enterprise reside around relationships of persuasion rather than control.
It is what the arts of rhetoric and persuasion are all about after all.
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Images from Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion make up the six-stamp set.
It will take monumental powers of persuasion and communication to fully round this circle.
Chief John Naleke, a village elder, can testify firsthand to Ntaiya's powers of persuasion.
Nonverbal persuasion is subtle, it works more slowly, and it works mostly on the unconscious.
The voters may still need some persuasion but the party members are now onside.
Wednesday is going to be a big day for ephemera collectors of the literary persuasion.
In their secret hearts, most herbs are wild, robust, prolific and distinctly evangelical in persuasion.
That means there are fewer people open to persuasion, and less room for a bounce.
Besides the promise of cash and loan guarantees, America has other, more indirect means of persuasion.
Power lies with the boroughs, and residents tend to be of the not-in-my-backyard persuasion.
Metaphors trigger the right hemisphere of the brain, a critical component for persuasion to occur.
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Mr Khatami is not a man of confrontation and victory, but of quiet persuasion and unity.
So far, rich-country governments have relied on diplomatic persuasion to get them to mend their ways.
Super Bowl spots have become memorable for their presentation but forgettable in terms of persuasion.
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Whatever their religious persuasion, many of the scientists regarded their work as an almost spiritual journey.
Though famed for her charm and her powers of persuasion, she did not always temper her style.
Voice-based institutions, by contrast, give special privilege to those skilled in the use of articulate persuasion alone.
The guru seems to be using his powers of persuasion in an attempt to rattle the witness.
But, as the number of smokers inexorably declines, disapproval has turned into intolerance, persuasion into outright bullying.