Lieutenant Colonel Greg Butts(ph), a battalion commander for the 101st Airborne Division, gives a driving tour.
There's not a grandma, granny, or Meema(ph) in sight, not even a big mama.
Commentator Rebekah Sanderlin has observed that the "me generation" has become the "Mimi(ph)" generation.
Batarical Hatashmi(ph), one of the Sunni leaders, insists it was nothing more than a courtesy call.
The solution undergoes further processing to stabilize the ions and to adjust the pH level.
Fathi Bahavi(ph) has two sons in college, one of whom wants to leave the country.
Twenty-five-year-old Kimia(ph) is trying to get a visa to go to Germany and continue her studies.
' Settler Yanon Netonel(ph) stopped his minivan to pick up one of the hitchhikers.
Adeline Talbot(ph) wrote to us from Greensboro, North Carolina, and she joins us on the line now.
The village Mukhta (ph), Akhmed Mohammed says the Lebanese government should created incentives for people to return.
California-born Drusilla Ramon(ph) moved to what was then an overwhelmingly Anglo area when she was 11.
According to the press office at Fairfield, Dr. Shanon Reckinger, who receives her Ph.
Marge Ford(ph) is one of the condo owners in this new four-story red brick building.
Plant manager Will Lejean(ph) says he has no idea when things will be up and running.
As Amy moved on with her life, graduating from Northeastern and enrolling in the Ph.
University of Tehran Professor Abu Muhammed Oscargoni(ph) is an adviser to the new president.
On a Manchester sidewalk, George Calakolides(ph) recognized Paul from the Internet and he liked his style.
Wrap-up speaker Cornel West went so far as to compare him to Europeans(ph), and Thomas Hardy.
At the refreshment stand, Ramsey Seagrist(ph) is cooking hotdogs and sausages on the grill.
And one of those who people who (unintelligible) is Stephanie Johnson(ph) of Washington, Connecticut.
He was ordained in 1954, and while working as a pastor he studied for a Ph.
Lorraine Osario (ph) has a question for you about a topic we have not heard.
Andrew Stengel(ph) is with the liberal organization People for the American Way in New York.
Former Suntech chairman Shi Zhengrong, a China-born Australian national, returned home after earning a Ph.
FORBES: One-Time China Solar Industry Icon Suntech Says It Has Defaulted On $541 Mln Of Debt
Nibbling on her french fries, marketing executive Zhou Lingjin(ph) says she's a Hillary supporter.
Taylor, who built his own oscilloscope the summer after high school, got a Stanford Ph.
It tells the Hanukkah story as a Zionist parable with a typical Guthriec(ph) little guy slant.
The pair, who are both sons of professors, met at Stanford University while pursuing Ph.
At a shelter a few rows down, Jose Misiya(ph) says he's tired of living here.
Nicholas Popsoy(ph) digs into the ground with his hoe where his house to stand.