Mr Phan also signed agreements on computer technology with Bill Gates and toured Harvard.
ECONOMIST: The next is not so clear
"You're already predicting 68 teams, " said Brian Phan, a financial analyst who oversees The Bracket Project Blog.
WSJ: Bracketology's Junior Varsity: The NIT
At a sleepover last month, they followed a Michelle Phan beauty tutorial on YouTube, showing how to curl hair with paper bags.
WSJ: Sleepovers, Much Maligned, Get Credit as 'Goof Around' Time
Phan relies as much as he can on a smartphone (he uses the Samsung Galaxy S) to avoid bringing along a laptop on personal trips.
FORBES: Essential Business Tools: What I'll Be Packing
Huang Phan of the BBC's Vietnamese Service describes its impact.
BBC: How war inspires the world's poets
America has two reasons for cosying up to Mr Phan.
ECONOMIST: The next is not so clear
Phan, along with my friend and commenter Marq Hwang, suggested ditching expensive and bulky noise-cancelling headphones in favor of smaller earphones that block noise by sealing off the ear canal.
FORBES: Essential Business Tools: What I'll Be Packing
But Wednesday's event focused largely on those who had succeeded on YouTube before the channel-funding strategy was in place, such as Michelle Phan, a YouTuber who has been giving viewers makeup tips since 2006.
NPR: YouTube Now Serving Videos To 1 Billion People
Thuan Phan, who spends about half the year as a sales engineer, points out that the advantage in space and cost goes to small earphones that block noise by sealing off the ear canal.
FORBES: Business Travel Rivalries To Be Sorted Out
"I don't think there is any other composer who set the English language better to music, " says tenor Nicholas Phan, who has recorded two albums of Britten, and will perform in the "War Requiem" next November with Marin Alsop and the Baltimore Symphony.
WSJ: The Sounds of Sacrifice | Benjamin Britten | War Requiem | Masterpiece by Stuart Isacoff