With the Humvee contract in limbo, Granite Tactical Vehicles was stuck in the research-and-development phase at this point, it amounted to tinkering while the company waited on Washington.
While both 'yes' and 'no' camps may want a definitive result to put an end to debate, those taking an impartial position as academic observers reckon that it may merely be the starting point for a new phase.
"The work on Nell's Point is the first phase response to bringing the site back into use but the real ambition here it to attract private sector investment for a multi use all weather attraction to the site, " Mr Lewis added.
"At this point we have to expect that phase six will be reached, " he said, referring to the organization's highest pandemic threat level.
The government has rejected calls to abolish GCSEs, but ministers believe they "will over time evolve into a progress check" at the mid-point of the 14 to 19 phase of education.
And so they're just going to keep going until they get to a specific point to call a halt for another phase of the operation.
We expect an inflection point and a time-consuming price discovery phase for global markets after world liquidity conditions tighten.
Plans were also adopted to chip down income tax over time (it is now 4%, and is due to fall to 3.9% next year) and to phase out the business tax by a tenth of a percentage point per year over 23 years.
"Although the business case looks viable, the negative attitude of the French government has influenced Novartis' consideration to a point that it will only enter into a negotiation phase if formally invited by the Aventis supervisory board and if the French government assumed a neutral position, " Novartis wrote in a statement.
And a more serious correction in gold at some point, perhaps now, could happen before the final phase of the bull market begins.
And we may be at a point where we can work on a transition to a next phase of operations in the Philippines.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with Ben Rhodes and Admiral Robert Willard
The euro zone is in a crisis, in the correct sense of the word, a turning point from which it will either recover or enter a terminal phase.
Even at this point, it already seems they are quickly moving out of the startup phase and into something much bigger.
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