You phrased it that the bank executives acknowledged they have a problem with compensation.
The first is, you phrased the phrase "wake-up call" about the election last night.
Although it was not phrased like that for political reasons, the new law is no different in effect.
FORBES: The Hidden Tax Lesson In Chief Justice Roberts' Obamacare Ruling
They meet, hate each other, and engage in baroquely phrased period insults that allegedly hide their true attraction.
Phrased this way, the solution seems fairly clear: we need to use social engineering to reinforce personal ethical behavior.
FORBES: What Drives Trust Violations in Business: Villains or Villages?
Not all of it can be done in neatly phrased eight-second sound bites.
They say small print is not "just about font size", but also includes poor layout, densely phrased paragraphs and legal jargon.
Cory Wheelabrator said it did not participate in the recent referendum because they believed the question was not neutrally phrased or accurate.
BBC: Residents overwhelmingly reject King's Lynn incinerator
There was no doubt about the intended target of his comments, but they were phrased ambiguously enough to save Mr Thaksin's face.
ECONOMIST: Thais are impatient for change, but it will take time
Putting aside the spiritual benefits of supplication, a more pressing secular question might be phrased this way: Can strong prayer bend the medical cost curve?
To your question about the 25th, my hope is that this doesn't end up being political theater, as I think some of you have phrased it.
Leeds notes that 45% of the queries on the site are still phrased in the form of a question, compared to just 8% of queries on Google.
FORBES: Happy B-day, Jeeves: As Turns 15, A Refocus on Q&A
The panel upheld the original judgement and then later supported Samsung's follow-up complaint that the way Apple phrased its notice was "misleading", instructing the firm to rewrite it.
One is that in 2001, when he was still Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he signed an ill-phrased document that appears to order that child-abuse cases be dealt with in secret.
Phrased differently: even as we strive to use available resources as effectively as possible, we must continue to develop and offer patients novel treatments that might work even better.
This approach might be phrased in question form as follows: Would a post 9-11 reasonable investor consider the connection between Shariah and SCF important to his or her decision to invest?
In other polls, similarly-phrased questions have given similar answers.
Opinion-poll results depend, notoriously, on how questions are phrased.
Many economic arguments are about tradeoffs, but the argument for the zero tax rate of savings, also similar to the arguments for a consumption tax, is usually phrased as an argument about fairness.
FORBES: Taxing Capital Isn't About Fair: It's About Efficiency
Researchers in the second study, published earlier this year in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, challenged the notion that praise is always good for kids, and found its impact depends on how it is phrased.
His analysis, "More Action, Better Service: How to Strengthen the European External Action Service" (PDF here) is phrased diplomatically, as one might expect, but its exposition of the weakness of the EEAS is more devastating for the sober tone in which it is delivered.