Those at Belmarsh prison were strip-searched before and after family visits, which were without physical contact.
They can have physical contact with children - something now frowned upon or forbidden in schools.
He didn't want to use palm readers that required physical contact because that would easily spread germs.
CNN: At Bronx clinic, the eyes are windows to medical records
An additional benefit may also be the avoidance of physical contact and the potential for disease transmission.
Sister McCleery said there was no physical contact between the couple and their body language suggested they were in disagreement.
You use your arms to jump, there will be physical contact and obviously you can fall and hit the ground.
The scientists used a mathematical equation to prove that the sound arose from imploding bubbles rather than physical contact between the claws.
Although rules limiting physical contact are probably the easiest for players to exploit, athletes can also take advantage of guidelines on injuries.
Through technology, staff are in better communication and are able to manage inmates with minimal physical contact that can bring violence, he said.
We are also aware that she has attributed the miscarriage to the use of pepper spray and physical contact by Seattle police officers.
Studies in both animals and humans have led some researchers to speculate that physical contact is necessary to boost oxytocin in the body.
It's "frustrating, " Gardam says, that we still don't know if the virus is spread mainly by physical contact or through the air or both.
In 2008, several school employees expressed concerns about the relationship between Leat and a female pupil, which included physical contact such as hugging and tickling.
BBC: Teaching ban for ex head of sex abuser Nigel Leat's school
And there is no known case, at least not known to me, of cancer being transferred from one human to another during normal physical contact.
More references to physical contact between the male characters were dropped.
After an initial handshake, avoid physical contact and be politely restrained.
"People from the communities like to touch you, to embrace you, to hug you, and physical contact isn't my strong suit, " he told Maclean's magazine recently.
Still, I demurred when the trainer asked me if I wanted to step up our level of physical contact and actually dandle him in my arms.
For instance, the study suggests that physical contact isn't necessary to comfort stressed-out teenagers who may not welcome hugs from Mom as much as they used to.
It can include stipulations such as "no physical contact" - or "no funny business", as one parent put it - and the procedure is completed with the mahr.
None of its employees have any physical contact with products.
Brazilians stand very close and use physical contact during conversations.
Karch Kiraly, the assistant coach of the U.S. women's volleyball team and a three-time Olympic gold medalist in the sport, says that physical contact is a sign of closeness.
WSJ: Group Hug: Which Olympic Sport Wins Gold for Touchiest?
"Scientists do not know to what extent flu viruses spread through the air or whether infection requires physical contact with contaminated fluids or surfaces, " a summary of the report says.
CNN: Report on handling H1N1 cases: Use masks with airtight seals
Cisco, another MWC exhibitor whose products are directly aimed at creating remote working environments, insisted its technology was capable of recreating every aspect of real-life interaction short of physical contact.
"Advanced imaging technology enhances security by safely screening passengers for metallic and non-metallic threats including weapons, explosives and other objects concealed under layers of clothing without physical contact, " Soule said.
Balancing out the anonymity and lack of physical contact is the ability to mask a plethora of medical and psychological conditions that until now have proven serious handicaps to social interaction.
The Leicestershire study also found that, as nursing has become more high-tech, there is less physical contact with patients, so nurses are using massage to compensate and to demonstrate care for patients.
Scientists studying cancer in two very different animal species, Tasmanian devils and dogs say they found evidence that some cancer cells are being passed between animals through physical contact, like sex or biting.
Research by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) found that 16% of women and 7% of men claimed to have been sexually abused involving physical contact before the age of 12.