The FBI said Christiansen didn't match the physical description, however.
NPR: FBI Seeks Help in Solving Skyjacking Mystery
They even arrested Richard Floyd McCoy for a similar airplane hijacking and escape five months after Cooper's flight, but McCoy was ruled out as a suspect in the Flight 305 hijacking because he didn't match the physical description.
NPR: FBI Seeks Help in Solving Skyjacking Mystery
Clues coaxed from the skeleton may shed "a new light" on the physical description of Richard III as a humpbacked man with a "withered arm, " which was used to support history's evil image of him, Professor Lin Foxhall, head of the University of Leicester's School of Archaeology and Ancient History, said.
CNN: Back from the grave, King Richard III gets rehab
Albert Einstein published his theory of general relativity in 1916, offering a description of gravity, space and time that transformed how scientists understand the physical laws governing the known universe.
WSJ: Researchers Spent $750 million��and 52 Years��Affirming Theory of Relativity
The process included physical verification, weighing, measuring, length, status, nature, value, provenance, description and digital photography of each object.