In order for damages to be excluded there has to be a physical injury.
If so, the damages are tax free, just like more garden variety personal physical injury recoveries.
Personal physical injury and physical sickness recoveries are tax-free, but punitive damages and interest are taxable.
These medical records help to determine if a suspect is violent, vulnerable or prone to physical injury.
"The pain had to be extreme, equivalent to serious physical injury or organ failure, " the memo goes on to say.
In no part of the country is a person threatened with death or serious physical injury required to suffer the first blow.
But to these women, it's much more than just a physical injury.
"I think that a case can be made that everyone on that ship is at risk of actual physical injury, " he said.
Fortunately, if you hire a contingent fee lawyer in a personal physical injury case (say an auto accident), your entire recovery is tax-free.
It was entirely fortuitous that no significant physical injury was caused.
While never condoned, it is recognized that there is a risk of physical injury from a harsh tackle and occasionally emotions will boil over into fisticuffs.
In January, there were 32 cases of physical injury or verbal abuse of police officers in Lima: in all but five cases, the victims were female traffic cops.
In the absence of physical injury or actionable discrimination, law makers should steer clear of legislation that attempts to manage that which can only be managed up close and personal.
Another sunsetted provision (Sec. 212) affords protection to ISPs from lawsuits if they turn over to the authorities customer records that suggest an immediate risk of death or serious physical injury.
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Even more concerning now is the potential for physical injury to young children as a result of parental distraction described in a recent article in the Wall Street Journal.
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While no physical injuries have been reported, if a passenger contracted a significant disease, such as hepatitis, from unsanitary conditions on the ship, maritime trial attorney John H. (Jack) Hickey believes physical injury could be argued.
On the other, if a prosecutor thinks a person has caused another great physical injury or death, but doesn't think the government can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, should they be able to cobble together other charges to get to that life sentence?
He taught her to take physical pain and injury in her stride.
He was wary of labeling anything an "injury" unless he could see physical evidence.
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Even mathematics offers an example of physical self-sacrifice, through repetitive stress injury.
Ciaran Murphy QC said Millie had been the victim of serious physical abuse, a sexual assault and a significant head injury which caused her to die.
The Star Telegram said he tried to join the Navy in 1996 but was rejected after a physical exam showed pins in his arm from a rodeo injury.
The Spaniard, who dropped to third-best in the world after being sidelined for over two months with a knee injury, said he was pleased with his physical preparation for the major that starts on August 31.
England, who are likely to be without Jamie Noon and Jason Robinson after both left the field in Paris because of injury, will need to beat an extremely physical Samoa side on 22 September to even get out of the group stages.
At the extreme end of the scale, the consequences of head injury are death, persistent vegetative state or severe physical and mental disablement.
Those severe brain injury survivors who were left with a set of residual physical, cognitive, and mental health problems could no longer expect to get private insurance once their COBRA ran out.
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Moreover, a study by the Texas Transportation Institute found that highways with diamond lanes lacking a physical barrier separating them from regular lanes have a 50 percent higher incidence of injury accidents.
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"The combination of his injury history and the demands of being an elite professional cricketer has affected his physical, and significantly his emotional well being, " he said.
He gave a physical exam to a 12-year-old, a follow-up exam to a head-injury patient and evaluated a child on attention-deficit medication.