Her involvement has been instrumental in supporting my vision for a new paradigm shift in education by assisting me in educator trainings centered on bike safety, integration of literacy and science into physical education (PE), action-based learning, active classrooms, and community support systems.
WHITEHOUSE: Champions of Change Blog
He travelled to Iraq to observe and advise on how science and physical education are taught, and was joined by representatives from three other UK schools.
BBC: Head teacher Geoff Barton plans Iraq return
International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE).
UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences
Scottish National Party education spokesman John Swinney asked the executive to consider the situation of one of his constituents, a student at Loughborough University studying physical education, sports science and social science - a course not available at a Scottish University.
BBC: Tuition fees row takes another twist
These projects focused on capacity building in selected key areas of the physical and biological sciences and on promoting experimentation in science education by using Microscience kits for teaching of different basic science disciplines in schools and higher education institutions.
UNESCO: 6th Meeting of IBSP Scientific Board