• These include most of physics and chemistry, as well as a few specialties in molecular biology.

    WSJ: Great Scientists Don't Need Math

  • It helps if you already know some physics and chemistry, but you can wade through without that background.

    FORBES: The Story Of Eau

  • For the last two cycles there is also physics, chemistry, philosophy and English.

    UNESCO: Sistema Interactivo Transformemos Educando

  • The Nobel prizes have been given out annually since 1901, covering the fields of medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and peace.

    BBC: Nobel physics prize honours accelerating Universe find

  • The Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source houses synchrotron radiation facilities for research in physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental and materials sciences.

    FORBES: Back to Basics at the National Science Foundation

  • Instead, it incorporates elements of physics and chemistry into several new degree courses such as toxicology, drug design and sports science.

    ECONOMIST: Education

  • The Nobel prizes have been given out annually since 1901, covering the fields of medicine, physics, chemistry, literature, peace and economics.

    BBC: Serge Haroche and David Wineland

  • His argument is that, given the nature of physics and chemistry, there may be only a limited number of ways in which things can work.

    ECONOMIST: Evolution

  • The bottom line is that this economy, at its root, is built on a web of scientific knowledge from physics to chemistry to biology.

    FORBES: Why Marco Rubio Needs To Know That The Earth Is Billions Of Years Old

  • While India is producing huge numbers of mathematics, physics and chemistry graduates British numbers are falling, being replaced with soft subjects such as media studies.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: From fashion to fortitude: the road to resilience

  • Economics really just is a toolkit, just as physics or chemistry is, a toolkit that we can use to make sense of the world around us.

    FORBES: Fukuyama's Latest Nonsense and Why Karl Marx Was Right

  • Faced with such front-page stuff, the Swedish Academy of Sciences, responsible for awarding the physics and chemistry prizes, threw in the towel as far as publicity was concerned.

    ECONOMIST: The 1998 Nobel prizes

  • We have to look at how we can attract more physics and chemistry teachers into those areas so that we can get some really inspired teaching of young people.

    BBC: Head to head: Science

  • It is given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which since 1901 has been awarding Nobel Prizes for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for peace.

    CNN: First woman wins Nobel Prize for economics

  • From the formation of the galaxies to water's physics and chemistry, Ball offers plenty of detail peppered with musings about everyday water experiences like putting the hose to his garden roses.

    FORBES: The Story Of Eau

  • The Scientific Ice Expedition '99 is part of a five-year scientific mission between the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Navy to learn about the geology, physics, chemistry and biology of the Arctic.

    CNN: Nuclear sub dives under the ice to explore climate change

  • In an interview Rivera would have been smarter to have skipped, he tried to convince me his magical process could convert soybeans into biodiesel at a rate that defied the laws of physics and chemistry.

    FORBES: SEC Wins Summary Judgment Against Biofuel Scammer

  • D.s in physics, chemistry or nuclear engineering.

    FORBES: Obama Supports Iranian Nuclear Power, Not Ours

  • She studied physics, chemistry and maths A-levels without any real idea of what she wanted to do, but she already had an interest in meteorology from doing her weather badge as a Girl Guide when she was 12.

    BBC: Weather - Jo Farrow

  • The decision by Education Secretary Michael Gove will mean that computing will count as a science in the English Baccalaureate for secondary school league tables from January 2014 - alongside physics, chemistry, biology and pupils taking double science.

    BBC: Computer science part of English Baccalaureate

  • The Global Microscience Experiments Project is a hands-on science education project that gives primary and secondary school students as well as university students the opportunity to conduct practical work in physics, chemistry and biology, using kits that are veritable mini-laboratories.

    UNESCO: Celebrating World Science Day for Peace and Development

  • These fields include areas of nanotechnology, where the categories of physics, chemistry and biology overlap and collapse on each other so as to create new kinds of science, and quantum mechanics, where experimental outcomes are usually seen only in blackboard-based probability formulas.

    FORBES: Big Data's People-Changing Machine

  • Or physics, chemistry and biology.

    FORBES: Bill Gates On Why American Colleges Have To Change

  • It contains many original manuscripts and rare copies of major works on history, literature, philosophy, law, astronomy, physics, chemistry, pharmacology, geography, music, mathematics, mineralogy, economy, fine arts, etc. written in Uzbek, Arabic, Farsi, Tajik, Urdu, Pushtu, Tatar, Azeri, Turkish, Turkmen, Uighur and other languages.


  • The United States has won more Nobel prizes for physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and economics since World War II than any other country, by a wide margin (it has been less dominant in literature and peace, two awards that are much more broadly distributed among nations).

    FORBES: American Leadership in Science, Measured in Nobel Prizes [Infographic]

  • The Global Microscience Experiment Project is a hands-on science education project that gives primary and secondary school students ( in some countries university students as well) the opportunity to conduct practical work in physics, chemistry and biology, using kits that come with booklets describing possible scientific experiments.


  • Instead of focusing on whether a longtime hustler with a history of making grandiose statements about his scientific process could really defy the laws of physics and chemistry, the SEC should have spent its time figuring out who facilitated the sale of so much worthless stock on the open market.

    FORBES: SEC Wins Summary Judgment Against Biofuel Scammer

  • There is a big problem, not so much about the number of people doing science, as the fact that it has got very skewed towards particular areas of science, such as IT and biology, and we are losing out on people doing some of the harder subjects such as physics and chemistry.

    BBC: Head to head: Science

  • Madu, from King Edward's School (for boys) had taken chemistry, maths, physics and general studies, and his brother biology, chemistry, maths and general studies.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Grandmother, 78, passes A-level

  • Stefanie, who took maths, chemistry and physics, is to study maths at Cardiff University.

    BBC: Twin sisters land six straight As

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