The champion continued to pick holes in King's defence but unwisely began taunting his opponent as early as the second.
BBC: McAllister power ends King hopes
Campaigns have already been launched against a return to a 10-team league and pundits are queuing up to pick holes in the plan.
BBC: SPL numbers game hard to add up
The publication of their results is a call for help to pick holes in their methods, and save physics as we now know it.
BBC: Light speed: Flying into fantasy
Of course, as a journalist, it can sometimes be all too easy to fly into a country and pick holes in other people's efforts.
BBC: Afghanistan's security prospects after Nato withdrawal
Even if they know their client to be guilty, defence lawyers are supposed to pick holes in the prosecution's arguments, and to get their clients off.
ECONOMIST: The worrying zeal of Ken Starr | The
It is possible to pick holes in these figures.
ECONOMIST: Far too many Americans are behind bars
Mr Jones can pick holes in the prosecution's testimony, ask awkward questions about the defendants' links to other people who were never indicted, and cast doubt on laboratory evidence showing traces of explosive on Mr McVeigh's clothes.
ECONOMIST: The McVeigh trial
It was no surprise, therefore, when Vidic reduced the deficit from Tevez's pull-back after good work in the box by Rooney - and it preceded a last 20 minutes that saw United pile forward and Zenit attempt to pick holes in the Reds' defence on the break.
BBC: Man Utd 1-2 Zenit St Petersburg
In contrast to Everton's tight defensive line, Arteta and Cahill were able to pick holes and expose frailties in the home side's rearguard.
BBC: Manchester City 0-2 Everton
If the Quest is to come with a panoramic skylight, the robot also knows to pick up the steel roof panel with large rectangular holes in it.
FORBES: Magazine Article