They plan to pick over this data in search of clues for new products and services.
That would allow private investors from China or Saudi Arabia to pick over the carcass of Wall Street.
As for shareholders, Altium's Brown says there is nothing left to pick over.
In the 1990s, MPs could pick over the bones of the Maastricht Bill.
Waves of gleaners sift the sweepings of Hanoi's streets, just as children pick over the rubbish of Maputo's main tip.
In Japan, small firms have in the past had to pick over the job applicants that big firms have rejected.
There are over 9 quintillion (that's a nine followed by 18 zeroes) possible combinations to pick over 64 teams, six rounds and 63 games.
Endless television and radio talk shows pick over France's deteriorating image abroad, touching not only the Romanies but also the strike by the national football team at the World Cup this summer and the Bettencourt affair, a political-favours scandal involving Eric Woerth, the labour minister.
The left distrusted that distinction and the right misappropriated it, while philosophers continue to pick it over.
Some visitors pick Kyoto over Tokyo entirely, spending their visit among the ancient temples and serene Zen meditation gardens.
We'd pick it over Nokia Here in most cases, and usually Apple Maps.
He thinks such a step is necessary, since forecasts show that storm frequency in Florida will pick up over the next few years.
This comes after a warning from NYSE that it could be kicked off the exchange, unless share prices pick up over the next 6 months.
Consumers pick banks over attractive rates, convenience or friendly service.
FORBES: Joseph Stiglitz Reminds Us That Nobel Prizes Are Highly Misleading
The economics minister, Hiroko Ota, said the government was keeping a keen eye on economic developments, but that orders were expected to pick up over the January to March period.
This presents an excellent opportunity for us players to give our bodies a rest and recover from the niggles and knocks that we inevitably pick up over the course of the season.
The very best recruits even have press conferences where they pick one team over another.
FORBES: A Different Kind of National Signing Day for Academic Over-Achievers
They then designed a two-stage analysis to factor in a customer's tendency to pick one contract over another.
Even junk issues have been inhaled by investors desperate for any yield pick-up over puny Treasury and high-grade bond yields.
Basically, Germany needs to snap out of its retail slump rapidly and the fragile UK retail recovery needs to pick up steam over the next couple of months.
The debt crisis in Europe has led to fewer industrial shipments of steel and, with the economy showing very few signs of recovery in the near future, we do not believe that shipments will pick up materially over the next year.
FORBES: ArcelorMittal Still Good For $22 Even With Lower Guidance
The spectrum analyzer was able to pick up signals from over 1, 000 Wi-Fi networks.
FORBES: Ruckus CEO Lo on Boosting Wi-Fi, Chasing Cisco and Going Public
The ball boy, wearing a Swansea sweatsuit, slowly walked over to pick it up.
The only choices that are given to hapless voters is to pick one such basket over another.
Who even bends over to pick up a penny off the street if you see one these days?
She leaned over to pick something up from the other side of the desk, and immediately I became afraid.
If Mitt Romney loses the election, will his pick of Paul Ryan over Chris Christie for running mate be a contributing factor?
The idea of bending over to pick up a virtual tennis racket in front of that 50-inch flat screen in our living room makes perfect sense to us.
ENGADGET: Bill Gates: Natal for Windows coming to an office near you
Because on three separate occasions, Ms. Lewinsky testified that Ms. Currie came over to pick up the gifts at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, an hour-and-a-half before the phone call.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement