"It's not going to be done and shouldn't be done in piecemeal public releases, " he said.
But this piecemeal approach offers no long-term benefit to Americans or their personal privacy online.
He believes that several piecemeal reforms already slated will fix most of the problem.
We have tried limited, piecemeal talks while we outsource the sustained work to our European allies.
Modernization cannot occur in a vacuum nor can it be addressed in a piecemeal fashion.
The newspapers have so far published the e-mails piecemeal, and a lot more are to come.
Most of these are caravans and prefabs, some smuggled in piecemeal past the army's check-points.
By shelving Concord, Estrada cleared the decks to fight for piecemeal, but just as necessary, reforms.
In social as in economic policy, the government prefers local experimentation and piecemeal expansion.
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This piecemeal gathering of varied bequests is hardly likely to make up a coherent collection, however.
It will have far more impact than the piecemeal efforts of individual European countries' cultural institutes.
Some worry that the precedent set by Europe might cause others to adopt the rules piecemeal.
The Bush administration liked the idea in theory and had some big, if piecemeal, successes.
The betting is that Congress will approve modest and piecemeal changes to pensions this year.
He said it would have been "wholly inappropriate" to look at the material in a "piecemeal fashion".
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Key points: Cash-for-honours hearing
The Eames Bradley Group On The Past recommended replacing this piecemeal approach with a single "Legacy Commission".
And the ecosystem is addressed on a piecemeal basis when, of course, it's an infinitely complex mechanism.
Sharon is said to favour a piecemeal approach to implementing the Mitchell recommendations starting with a ceasefire.
Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones, two British academics, eschew the notion that effective bosses can be constructed piecemeal.
SPARC, a voluntary organisation that has begun redeveloping small sites on a piecemeal basis in collaboration with residents.
That way you avoid one of the biggest pitfalls companies are making in going social: doing it piecemeal.
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Like libel laws and consumer-safety rules, Internet-related regulations can be dealt with piecemeal, one country at a time.
Now, after a decade of piecemeal funding, donors say that Afghan finances have never looked so well co-ordinated.
For years, Van der Straeten has pioneered this single-site craftsmanship, while other designers have farmed out work piecemeal.
The uncertainty surrounding Dodd-Frank, Obamacare, and a piecemeal implementation of Cap and Trade via regulatory decree cascade into discord.
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Authorities expect to announce preliminary results in the presidential elections on a piecemeal basis between Tuesday and September 5.
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In Durham, meanwhile, their successful West Village project is being sold piecemeal to satisfy creditors, according to court documents.
And one of the messages of the Anthropocene is that piecemeal actions can quickly add up to planetary change.
In the past, specific problems have had piecemeal solutions, such as fishing bans.
But Harsha de Silva, an economist, argues that this piecemeal fund-raising is insufficient.