It recommends introducing an approach similar to air-traffic control to speed up pier use and co-ordinate river boats better with other modes of travel.
The new owner--and guests--can enjoy the property's 155-foot pier, close to 300 feet of beach and a blue stone pool with a Jacuzzi.
Just over a week ago, Napolitano asked center-left politician Pier Luigi Bersani to form a government -- but he was unable to do so.
Efforts by centre-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani to forge a political agreement with the anti-establishment Beppe Grillo have so far been rebuffed.
Once back at the pier, take the cross-river ferry back to Pakret and head for the main Chao Praya Express Boat Pier (the same pier where you disembarked earlier).
Centre-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani on Monday issued an ultimatum to anti-establishment comic Beppe Grillo, who gained one in four votes, to support a new government or return to the polls.
Rowers on the River Thames have raised safety concerns over plans to redevelop Putney Pier in south-west London.
Being able to swim loops along the 1.5-mile span between the pier, bordered by the iconic Coney Island Parachute Jump to the west and the beginning of the Esplanade to the east, means swimmers can make a quick exit from the water if necessary.
In 1998 he left the business in his partners' hands, returned to Pier 66 and bought a 52-foot motor yacht he named Southern Lady.
Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who has conceded the lower house to Pier Luigi Bersani's centre-left bloc, played down the significance of the spread, and said he was not worried about market reaction to the vote.
"Congratulations to all the teams involved, " said Pier-Paolo Emanuelli, the flight operations director.
On Friday, the leader of Italy's centre-left alliance, Pier Luigi Bersani, promised to step down as soon as a new president was elected.
But if you pressed your face to the glass, as Kendall was doing, you could see the biscuit-colored beach running down to Navy Pier, where they were just now lighting the Ferris wheel.
Mr Vaizey met with John Penrose MP, English Heritage and CNM Estates at Birnbeck Pier, in Weston-super-Mare, to discuss its future.
The owners of Felixstowe Pier want to turn it into a multimillion-pound entertainment and conference venue with restaurants and retail units.
The leader of Portsmouth City Council, Gerald Vernon-Jackson, has challenged The People's Pier to develop a business strategy for South Parade Pier.
Plopped on a shoreline noted for its diversity from the honky-tonk boardwalk scene to stately mansions Pier Village and the connected development stand out for their uniformity: street after street of identical four-story condos in tan.
Somerset businessman Kerry Michael and his sister Michelle Michael have become MBEs for services to the restoration of Weston-super-Mare's pier.
The Pier Village complex weathered Sandy well because of its up-to-date building materials, according to David Barry, the president of Hoboken-based Ironstate Development Co.
Still, Il Cavaliere may not be making a full comeback, as the head of the center-left Partito Democratico (PD) Pier Luigi Bersani is expected to take the elections.
FORBES: Silvio's Back: Berlusconi Forces Italian PM Monti To Resign, Borrowing Costs Surge
"What happened in Long Branch to achieve Pier Village is an atrocity, " says the 53-year-old Mr. MacCloud, who now lives in Tom's River in a ranch-style home a couple of miles from the water.
The state opening of parliament may be billed as one of the big political events of the year - but there are usually more laughs, surprises and revelations to be had at an end-of-the-pier magic show.
The return of European concerns came after Italy's elections looked set to push the country into political impasse as a left-wing coalition led by the Democratic Party's Pier Luigi Bersani failed to gain a majority in the upper house.
Mr Conway believes that with Teesside's steel-making and engineering expertise there is no better place to make a pier and he hopes to persuade local businesses to help.
The center-left alliance led by Pier Luigi Bersani narrowly won the lower house, but failed to gain control of the upper house.
The Democratic Party received a boost earlier on Friday when anti-mafia prosecutor Pietro Grasso appeared alongside party leader Pier Luigi Bersani, saying he wanted to be "at the service of a country that has reached the maximum of confusion".
Conservative-run Tendring District Council asked consultants Mott MacDonald for options on protecting the Clacton Pier to Holland Haven stretch.
The center-left coalition led by politician Pier Luigi Bersani and the center-right coalition of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi appeared to be coming together to back Marini.
At the same time, the Giants have been looking at developing an arena or performing-arts center, residences, offices and shopping areas on a parking lot and pier adjacent to the ballpark.
Political parties have sparred for weeks over suitable candidates to succeed Giorgio Napolitano, whose term expires next month, but center-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani and center-right leader Silvio Berlusconi have reportedly now reached agreement.