On the last Sunday of July (Reek Sunday), devout pilgrims follow his original route, traditionally without shoes.
Thousands of pilgrims and tourists have travelled to Rome to take part in the Easter ceremonies.
The hike has proved to be very popular, and not just with Christian pilgrims.
Most nights during the holidays, the streets surrounding the Clot house were cluttered with wide-eyed pilgrims.
WSJ: Embracing the Robo Elves of the Bill Clot Christmas Display | Traveler's Tale
During their journeys, both experienced a name change: The Separatists became Pilgrims and Tisquantum became Squanto.
Now free to celebrate, pilgrims fill the boulevards as far as the eye can see.
They're free to do whatever they want, and that's why the Pilgrims came to America.
One recent visitor told CNN that the volatility of the region should not deter pilgrims.
Some of the pilgrims walked from Baghdad, making the 60-mile trip on bare feet.
The pilgrims are "participating in something that would not have been possible before, " Brooks said Tuesday.
The Pilgrims face a quick return to action as they visit Hinckley United on Monday evening.
In the 18th century collectors sought writings by the Pilgrims and from the Salem witch trials.
Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrims' pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring.
The Pilgrims who arrived in Massachusetts eighteen years later had a very different experience.
Earlier in the week, two bombings in Iraq's capital left nearly two dozen pilgrims wounded.
Pilgrims Hospices is co-operating fully with the police and I am leading our own internal investigation.
Todd was part of the foreign-led consortium that gained control of the Pilgrims last week.
The motive wasn't robbery: left untouched were stacks of banknotes and gold given by pilgrims.
Iran said it expects Iraq to confront such attacks and provide security for the pilgrims.
The Pilgrims have been in excellent form in the Championship and lie just outside the play-offs.
As highly vulnerable newcomers, the Pilgrims were careful to establish diplomatic relations with the local Indians.
Hundreds of pilgrims are expected to attend a Mass in Liverpool, which begins at 15:00 GMT.
The marble outside the mosque was virtually empty -- with all the pilgrims off to Mina.
In the case of the Pilgrims, they were thankful, honestly for just being alive.
Tehran says they are pilgrims who had been heading for a Shia religious site.
The Pilgrims paid back the pilfered corn, and they also secured an invaluable interpreter, Squanto.
It attracts over 90, 000 pilgrims every year and Skanda Vale also runs a hospice.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Slaughter fight for 'sacred' bull
They recommended pilgrims be vaccinated before coming -- although clearly, many have not complied.
Shia pilgrims, who have been frequently targeted in Iraq, have been observing the festival of Arbaeen.
Tehran claims the 48 Iranians were Shiite pilgrims visiting a holy site in the Syrian capital.