Yet many pilot projects run so far have shown that junior staff can often be surprisingly good forecasters.
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The pilot will run for roughly 30 minutes, and include new material.
The Newcastle pilot - run by Newcastle University and the city council - is part of a project involving six other European cities in France, Denmark, The Netherlands, Greece, Italy and Spain.
Interpol also will run pilot projects, experimenting with new strategies to find ways to be more effective.
Most countries know what to do and run pilot programmes that work.
The authority's pilot project will run until the end of July.
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The pilot program, run by consulting firm Accenture (nyse: ACN - news - people ), is sticking the RFID chips on pill bottles by hand.
Because it was proving so successful it was picked by TV scientist Professor Heinz Wolff to run the pilot of his Care4Care idea.
BBC: Care4Care volunteers 'bank' hours in Isle of Wight pilot
After the review is completed it is hoped a pilot scheme will be run with a view to rolling it out across the country to other LEPs.
Once initiated, they run on auto-pilot without any effort to optimize the value received for the dollars expended.
In response, the Environment Agency (EA) has agreed to run a year-long pilot of renting out the five cottages, which will end in March 2013.
An independent pilot effort known as the Latin New Car Assessment Program has run initial tests of Brazil's most popular car models, and the results are bleak.
One interesting pilot scheme being tried out in Minnesota allows farmers who reduce fertiliser run-off and soil erosion to enjoy an exemption from future state and federal water-quality standards.
As the plane took off the 50-year-old pilot reported feeling a "slight bump" and thought the aircraft had run over a light on the runway.
South Belfast was chosen for the pilot scheme due to its high crime levels, while a second trial run is planned for Omagh next April.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Prosecution service overhauled
Growing up as the son of a Connecticut Senator, he was the youngest pilot in the Navy in 1943, and an authentic, highly decorated hero who finished a bombing run after his plane was hit, already in flames, and about to crash.
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The government cites an e-mail sent by Mr Gates in July 1999 that showed a willingness to change Office applications to favour devices that run on Windows, even if that damaged the interests of customers who rely on the ubiquitous Palm Pilot.