Quite an achievement for what used to be the definitive video game pin-up girl.
The appeal of the Duchess of Cambridge, a photogenic pin-up with a well-judged penchant for British designers.
For the time being, Tony Blair remains a pin-up boy in Britain's boardrooms.
Just what device celebs use to make calls is yet another way fans are figuring out--and connecting with--their pin-up favorites.
As the famous story goes, Travolta dropped out and Richard Gere played the role, providing Armani with the perfect pin-up for his sleek suits.
The hosts hit back, though, and enjoyed a spell of mounting pressure late on, with 22-year-old Canadian ice hockey pin-up Crosby narrowing the gap to 4-3 on a power play with four minutes left.
Cheeky and immensely likeable, a natural striker and pin-up material, possibly the worst time-keeper - with the possible exception of Martin O'Neill - I have ever met in the Scottish game: East Kilbride's finest is all of these.
Some shark species make "mental maps" of their home ranges, allowing them to pin-point destinations up to 50km (30 miles) away, research suggests.
This time, there's full MIDI support across the board, with each unit sporting a 5-pin port right up top.
ENGADGET: Korg announces Volca analog synth series, we go eyes-on
More direct evidence from studies of experiments with animals and humans, however, suggests that we may have to alter the very concept of what we mean by hearing loss, and that current tests - particularly pure-tone audiometry which measures our ability to perform "pin-drop" hearing - may not be sufficient to pick up the early signs of a decline in hearing function.
The cape plug-in boards can be plugged into BeagleBone's two 46-pin dual-row expansion headers, providing similar headers so that up to four cape plug-in boards can be stacked at a time.
ENGADGET: BeagleBone gets plenty of expansion options with new 'cape' add-ons
If you hover your mouse pointer over a pin, a small thumbnail pops-up, which you can click to see the photos from that area in the right-hand-side bar.
The company will be opening Mobile Pin locations, or glass-housed pop-up stores, to help showcase its new flagship phone.
ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy S III to be sold in Mobile Pin pop-up stores (updated with video)
Byrne set up a late Welsh effort with a pin-point kick to the corner, from where Williams almost went over.
The first Pins will open on May 29th, with the Pin 5 (a 5-by-5 meter indoor location) making temporary appearances at Spitalfields Market, Westfield and White City, while the 7-by-7 outdoor version (Pin 7) will pop up in the Olympic Park along with Hyde Park at a later date this year.
ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy S III to be sold in Mobile Pin pop-up stores (updated with video)
One thing I do worry about is that the pin-point accuracy and the mouse-based directional controls could end up being too open-ended.
FORBES: The Unique Combat Of Indie Kickstarter RPG 'Sui Generis' - Now With Shields
Researchers at the Black Hat conference showed just what mischief a commonly used UK PoS terminal could get up to when they inserted a chip-and-pin card crafted with malicious code.
ENGADGET: Security experts hack payment terminals to steal credit card info, play games
As a traveling golfer you will inevitably play courses that are unfamiliar, and you will have questions about distances, and the laser solves them quickly and easily, and can measure not just the pin, but to trees, mounds, people, and other objects for lay-up or carry distances.
Sophie's name, the sound of it in Raisele's mouth, her name said by someone who had seen her, seen her laughing and chasing the chickens, seen her in her flannel nightgown and thick socks, braids one up, one down, seen her running in the yard, ducking Lev Pin-sky's dry red paw.
Wearing a heart-shaped "I am Chavez" pin, she said she was taking the opportunity to also stock up on basic goods.
"I've been consulted about the set-up and we're going to have to be very careful about the tee and pin positions, " he added.