Last summer an 83-year-old pipe in Manhattan burst, sending a geyser of steam and debris into the air.
Sproule said Nissan took a cue from super markets in the U.K. that pipe in a fresh bread smell.
Madoff was found by his father-in-law hanging from a ceiling pipe in the living room of his SoHo loft.
"I worry sometimes that I'll be like parents who lived through the Depression, saving old pipe in the basement, " he says.
News Corp. will pipe in content as well as help HKT use the network to expand into home shopping, banking and e-commerce.
CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek | Intelligence | Business: Pick up the Pieces
So as I write, I am in an outdoor lounge on my third martini, smoking a water pipe in the Atlantis hotel in Dubai.
While on foot, Russell noticed a man down the street with what looked like a pipe in his hand running toward two National Guard members.
The leak was caused by cracks forming on the pipe in an area where the waterproofing tape had pulled away and the pipe was corroding, investigators said.
One ROV got a saw lodged in the side of the leaking riser pipe in early June, for example, causing BP to rethink its strategy for trying to stop the gushing leak.
Right now, the people who own the phone and cable lines that pipe in the internet to our homes have a neutral stance on how these websites are transmitted, but the times may be changing.
Millions of older iPhones and iPads remain in use today -- and will for many years to come -- and Bluetooth and WiFi-equipped speaker rigs let you pipe in tunes regardless of your device's hardware port.
Sun's announcement marks the information technology industry's latest step toward "utility computing, " a grid system in which companies pipe in data processing and storage from faraway server farms, says Nicholas Carr, author of The Big Switch, a book on utility computing published earlier this week.
Locating a ship resting on the floor of the ocean for many decades is somewhat different than finding a submersible to get to that depth and plugging many leaks in a riser pipe and in a blowout preventer.
In 2002 he qualified for the Olympic team and went on to win a gold medal in the half-pipe competition in Salt Lake City.
Elsewhere in Belfast, the Army defused two pipe bombs in the Short Strand area in the east of the city.
The man whose home was targeted in a pipe bomb attack in Derry has spoken of his shock.
Engineers found a cracked pipe letting in standing water which was polluting the system.
Lone Star Technologies, a Dallas producer of steel pipe used in oil wells, fits the bill.
Sewage leaked from a section of pipe embedded in the bank at Maiden Erlegh Lake, Berkshire on 6 February.
They know that steel pipe cased in concrete, when engineered correctly, is not going to leak chemicals into their water.
The oldest civilian pipe band in the world will play on, but its new name has not yet been revealed.
And with median family incomes still down from a few years ago, high markups on items are still a pipe dream in many cases.
She says 2014 should be the year when you started to see pipe laid in 2012 and 2013 showing returns, with acceleration in 2015 and 2016.
One winter day, a pipe burst in our basement, and my mother had no idea what to do, so I called my father and figured out how to fix it.
He has since bowed to pressure to pipe down in public (though he denies having done so), confining himself to encouraging peacenik Jewish dissidents not to turn their backs on the mainstream community.
Other grants have been given to St Mary's in Cleobury Mortimer, St Michael's in Stanton Long, St Milburga in Stoke St Milborough, St Peter's in Pipe cum Lyde and St Mary the Virgin in Middleton on the Hill.
As early as five hours before the explosion drillers noticed unexpected loss of fluid in the riser pipe, indicating leaks in a part of the blowout preventer.
"An advantage of a PIPE is that an institutional investor can take a large position in an illiquid stock, " said Byron Roth, chairman of Roth Capital Partners, which raised the most money in PIPE deals last year.
In the 17th century an ingenious smoker came up with the pipe tamper, or stopper, as it's known in England, a tool for pressing down lit tobacco in the pipe's bowl.