Instead of pitting one drug against another, both ACCORD and ADVANCE used drug combos.
This incendiary topic alone has succeeded in pitting Republican against Republican and Democrat against Democrat.
"XCOM: Enemy Unknown" is a science fiction, strategy game pitting Earth against an invading alien force.
"Tetris" creator Alexey Pajitnov proposed a game pitting teams of people and dolphins against one another.
In Texas, the combination of hot summers and water shortages are pitting farmers against shale-gas developers.
FORBES: Water Shortages May Leave Energy Producers Dying of Thirst
And maybe that's the trend to underscore, rather than pitting social networks at each other.
Nor should it be about pitting parents against teachers, or public-sector workers against private-sector workers.
FORBES: Minnesota Republicans to Ban Cash for Poor People, Limit Teacher Strikes
Representative GEORGE MILLER (Democrat, California): It's not about labor versus management, pitting workers against employers.
Popescu believes that pitting the interests of Boomers against Millennials is just a dodge for bad management.
FORBES: Gen-Y and Boomers Well Advised to Embrace One Another
Graffiti and pitting caused by corrosion will removed by very carefully rubbing the sculpture, again by hand.
BBC: Henry Moore's House of Lords artwork restoration begins
For the rest, those who fancy pitting their knowledge of physics against the pros can do so.
In the race pitting science against microbes, however, the spread of hep-C looks likely to outrun a cure.
And Warner's move signals the studios are tiring of pitting the competing consumer electronics manufacturers against one another.
That has made fine fodder for politicians, pitting islanders against conservationists, though both would gain from sustainable development.
The Department of Justice has not tried to stop Microsoft pitting its Internet Explorer browser against Netscape's Navigator.
The fight was nasty, pitting friend against friend and sometimes brother against brother.
FORBES: My Terrifying Encounter With Yahoo Email: A Survivor's True Shaggy Dog Story
Still, sports couldn't survive off the field without pitting someone against someone else.
However, it turns out that pitting men and women against each other is neither smart policy nor smart politics.
More than any past election, this one will be about leadership, pitting a young pretender against an old hand.
ECONOMIST: Why the campaign will count in a contest that matters
The game is a turn-based cover shooter, pitting your squad against an alien invasion in a variety of settings.
But the second decision is pitting Britain against its French and German allies.
Yet the pipeline has fomented heavy debate in the U.S., pitting legislator against legislator and one government department against another.
FORBES: If U.S. Says No To Canadian Oil Sands Pipeline, China Will Say Yes
The fee fight has morphed into a titanic Washington lobbying battle pitting credit-card companies and big banks such as J.
So pitting intangible value against concrete cost increases is a hard sell, even when the net present value is positive.
FORBES: Clarifying Corporate Responsibility, Part IV: Capturing And Sustaining Value
This battle, pitting wounded Gallic pride against American self-assurance, will drag on until at least the end of the year.
ECONOMIST: Did Morgan Stanley systematically denigrate LVMH?
By pitting exporters against importers, successive rounds of trade negotiations have encouraged politicians in many countries to lower trade barriers.
The result will be a free-for-all for the future of mobile computing, pitting Intel against Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, Intel, Samsung.
But if the choice is between a redesign of time, or pitting nerds against words, I'd say make time for the nerds.
Instead of pitting one drug against another, ACCORD used just about every different type of diabetes med on the market, in combination.
The sandbox MMO is yet another sandbox style game, pitting three factions (the Baratheons, the Starks, and the Lanisters) against one another.