Until recently it was thought that melatonin acted only through the pituitary gland in the brain.
There he was handed the low-priority task of exploring the basic science of the pituitary gland.
She wrote how a DDT-like pesticide affected the uterus by blocking powerful pituitary hormones.
He read of animals with prolonged pregnancies whose fetuses lacked a pituitary gland.
Consider, for example, the decades of production of a human growth hormone for below-average-height children by the National Pituitary Agency.
Sheller explains that Risperdal stimulated the production of prolacting, which is a hormone released by the pituitary gland that stimulates breast development.
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If tests confirm you have low testosterone, further testing can determine if a testicular disorder or a pituitary abnormality is the cause.
"When you irradiate a young child's brain, say less than 5 years old, you hit the pituitary gland, which controls growth hormone production, " he said.
So this is a kind of trick for flogging the brain and the pituitary and the thyroid to dump out a lot of their respective hormones.
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Doctors from Queen Mary, University of London, are also taking part in the study that looks for a gene called AIP, which causes abnormal growth of the pituitary gland.
If a pituitary tumor has resulted in decreased hormone production, or if removal of a pituitary tumor has lowered hormone production, you may need to take replacement hormones to maintain normal hormone levels.
This sent him to the animal research station at Ruakura among the sheep, and there, in an unsterile theatre, he began with much trial and error to remove the pituitary glands of unborn lambs.
While most people who carry the gene do not experience any health problems, it can lead to acromegaly - a condition in which a benign enlargement of the pituitary gland causes excess growth of muscles, cartilage and bones.
Novartis says it hopes next year to apply for approval for three additional drugs for various tumors types, including a new treatment for ovarian cancer, a new lymphoma medicine and a drug for Cushing's disease, a benign tumor in the pituitary gland.
The hormone was prepared from human pituitary glands recovered from cadavers, and the absence of rigorous collection guidelines and purification procedures permitted contamination of the formulated drug with the agent that causes Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, the human equivalent of "mad-cow disease, " or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).