Medical staff who examined photographs suggest it is human placenta which could be two weeks old.
Problems with the placenta may also contribute to another feature of cloned mammals: They're huge.
Within hours Brandon had become separated from his mother's placenta - starving his brain of oxygen.
No word on whether the placenta plans to sue for invasion of its privacy.
In the UK, the rate of placenta praevia is around 0.8% of all births.
In some cultures, families bury the placenta in a special place, such as their backyards.
Some women also cook and eat the placenta, a practice known as human placentophagy.
Could, as Asashima hopes, embryonic stem cells be taken from a baby's placenta at birth and stored?
These include abruption, where the placenta separates from the uterus wall, and the potentially life-threatening condition pre-eclampsia.
The mother's abdomen and uterus are opened so as not to harm the placenta, which nourishes the fetus.
CNN: Study: Major benefits for spina bifida surgery in the womb
Woke up still in a catatonic state suffering from strange dreams (placenta and forceps featured heavily) and nerves.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Director's diary: Shreepali Patel
If you have questions about the placenta or placental problems during pregnancy, talk to your health care provider.
HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy.
He suspects that the fetus may develop normally but the placenta does not, so the fetus is essentially starving.
The symptoms of pre-eclampsia have been linked to the production of toxic molecules called free radicals by the placenta.
If "placentophagia" - the practice of eating the placenta - remains a minority activity, there have been other applications.
If you have a C-section, your health care provider will remove the placenta from your uterus during the procedure.
Your health care provider might massage your lower abdomen to encourage your uterus to contract and expel the placenta.
Your health care provider will examine the placenta to make sure it's intact.
Stemnion, a small biotech firm in Pittsburgh, is working on using stem cells found in the placenta for healing wounds.
An ice cream tub containing a substance believed to be human placenta has been found by a dog walker, police say.
Professor Smith said that it was likely that the teenagers were unable to supply their babies with sufficient nutrients via the placenta.
Problems range from failure of the embryo to implant in the womb, leading to miscarriage, to rupture of the placenta and pre-eclampsia.
The cause of pre-eclampsia is unknown, but it is clear that the placenta fails to invade into the wall of the mother's uterus.
Obese mothers, twin fetuses, and a phenomenon called mosaicism, in which placenta DNA differs from fetal DNA, among other things, could confuse results.
Worse, once absorbed, the chemical is locked into the body's fat tissue (it is only excreted through the placenta and in breast milk).
The practical benefits of this scanning system could prevent, or at least lessen brain deficits caused by lack of nutrients from the placenta.
Critically, it neglected to check whether thalidomide affected pregnant women, assuming that its molecules could not cross the placenta from mother to child.
An inner clump of cells in the blastocyst goes on to form the embryo, while an outer layer goes on to make the placenta.
"One would think that since the virus doesn't cross the placenta, probably not too much of a threat that we know of, " he said.