The reasons offered were plain enough: The counties said they needed more time to complete an accurate tally.
Union leaders and officials said the Oct. 29 storm made plain the system's inadequacies.
For a long time, universities invested in a plain-vanilla mix of stocks and bonds.
Executives with a background in engineering, accounting, or finance were plain clumsy at it.
The selective approbation attached to for-profit embryo donation comes across as just plain odd.
FORBES: Making Babies: Selling Embryos, Despite Ethical Concerns, Addresses Genuine Needs
Mourinho believed his team should have lifted the cup and had been plain unlucky.
These so-called end user licence agreements (EULAs) should be expressed in "plain, intelligible language", they say.
He wants to reign in regulatory excess and restore the plain meaning of the Constitution?
It was the precisely the kind of gruff, plain speaking that appeals to Australians.
BBC: The shifting politics of same-sex marriage in Australia
Everything is posted online, and for the most part is visual rather than plain boring text.
Native to South Africa, ostriches long roamed a vast semidesert plain called the Karoo.
Bad vintages of Bordeaux were really bad in those days: tonsil threatening or just plain watery.
There are sycamores, elms, maples, poplars on a fertile flood plain along the river.
But it's hard to match a plain woman, even if she's wealthy and charming.
They had argued strongly that being in plain and intelligible language gave them a "get-out" clause.
" Black type on a plain white background simply says, "Use what you've got.
Popular names sometimes reflect characters in pop culture, style icons or plain old demographic changes.
Back then, he carried a spiral notebook filled with plain language definitions to Microsoft corporate speak.
That request was denied, forcing the then-23-year-old actress to get a plain old divorce.
In comes a plain-speaking promise that Win Me makes computing simpler and more fun.
"I've been praying, never forgot about her, ever, " Rogers told The Plain Dealer newspaper.
"I've been praying, never forgot about her, ever, " Ms. Rogers told The Plain Dealer newspaper.
WSJ: Three Women Missing for Years Found Alive in Cleveland, Ohio
Now the plain fact is that pupil-teacher ratios have been falling throughout this century.
Regardless of version, both NUC models are plain, plasticky affairs that place function ahead of aesthetics.
ENGADGET: Intel NUC review: a little desktop PC that holds big promise
The school has banned students from wearing any jewellery other than plain ear studs and wristwatches.
BBC: Sarika Singh has been excluded from school since November
It will be made of plain old steel, and it will be built in Doraville, Ga.
Now Alan Mulally, Ford's plain-speaking new chief executive, has set out to fix this.
It's decadent enough to be served plain, with a drizzle of olive oil and sea salt.
WSJ: Jenn Louis's Burrata With Roasted Nectarines and Pistachio-Herb Oil
Have when-it-rains-it-pours Morton and other traditional producers stopped selling the plain old white stuff?
Pressing 'Escape' only works in some apps and not others, which is plain frustrating.
ENGADGET: Windows 8 upgrade diary: multiple monitors make my mouse mad