So Mr Williamson's plan sits best with the view that fiscal policy should also have a strong counter-cyclical role.
Residents can view the draft plan and submit feedback via the Northamptonshire Police website.
Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve, took a dim view of this plan.
The (optimistic in my view) master plan figures for 2018 would lead (based on 189 seat jets operating at 80% capacity, with a 16 hour opening) to a plane landing every 48 minutes.
"It gives us the ability to plan for important projects and with a view to growth and employment".
From a conceptual point of view, the Ryan plan embodies two strategic errors.
Adnan Pachachi, this month's president of the U.S.-appointed Governing Council, said he backs direct elections in principle but indicated the caucus-elected assembly, or some variation of this plan, would be more realistic in view of the June deadline.
Many view Mr Obama's plan to send more American forces there as a necessary evil.
Juncker said his government backed Arcelor's strategic plan and did not share Mittal's view that the combined company could form a European industrial champion.
"Comments from the FDA on the Drug Safety Risk Management Action Plan pose the biggest downside risk in our view, " wrote Geoffrey Meacham of J.
On Elena Kagan, was Ms. Kagan, when she was Solicitor General, involved in any of the discussions about the constitutionality of the health care plan, and would she, in your view, have to recuse herself if some of those cases actually came to the Supreme Court?
From a practical point of view, the American change of plan is understandable.
Many view the so-called Volcker plan as aimed mostly at Goldman Sachs, the investment bank that turned into a commercial bank in the depths of the crisis.
Make no mistake-Congress is a team, even if it is one filled with players with differing points of view when it comes to the game plan.
Based on lessons learned from as early as 1991 when Congress mandated that a Transition Assistance Plan be enacted, this redesign is guided by the view that preparation for the transition from military to civilian life should begin upon entry to boot camp.
WHITEHOUSE: Coming Home: Pathways to Success for Service Members and Veterans | The White House
That view was, perhaps, most evident in his plan in the 1980s to redevelop rundown East London by establishing a Development Corporation that, controversially, could overrule local authority planning rules.
View this as an entitlement program in reverse- a plan that is not subject to the whims of good political speechmakers.
Two months later, the company announced its plan to move from Pala Alto to a bigger office space in Mountain View.
Moreover, the charitable foundations, like university endowments, plan to be around for ever, and take a long-term view that gives managers more leeway.
Another element from the TechCrunch post indicates a plan to provide a Catch Up TV-style service that lets users view anything that has aired in the last month on the channels they're subscribed to, although there's no word on what will power this technology.
ENGADGET: Intel rumored to launch set-top box, 'virtual cable TV service' at CES
Cynics might argue that a more accurate view of modern Britain could come from the likes of Plan B, whose "Ill Manors" single sticks the knife into Cameron's Britain, but a gig at Buckingham Palace was never going to be the place for punk sentiment.
In other words, the streaming business is a larger business trend where Netflix stands to gain in our view though we await further data on the effectiveness of the pricing plan and impact on subscription levels before we adjust our estimates.
That view is not entirely wrong many Germans are against the latest plan by the European Central Bank (ECB) to buy government bonds of crisis countries in tandem with the ESM.
Last month, around 450 economists, including ten Nobel laureates, openly criticised the tax-cut plan: in response, the White House quickly marshalled support from economists who took a different view.
Mr. Corbat's plan to roll the score cards out to all divisions has raised objections from some executives who view the strategy as too much of a "one-size-fits-all" approach, said people familiar with their thinking.
The new police and crime plan can help us to continue to build on this success and gives us an outsider's view of where else we can perform even better.
In view of the recent global economic turmoil and our limited financial resources, our business plan for 2010 has been to continue to focus on the marketing and distribution of energy efficient products in China.
FORBES: Going, Gone: Too Many "Going Concern" Warnings May Be As Bad As Too Few
How does each side view potential developments on the Korean Peninsula over the coming decade, and how would both plan to react to each scenario?