What Old Mutual and Sanlam plan to do with the proceeds is still not clear.
Many shopkeepers who initially opened longer have cut back their hours or plan to do so.
You, again -- you listed a number of things that you plan to do legislatively.
However, if you plan to do nothing but complain, it is a total waste of your time.
We need to know exactly what has happened and exactly what the UK government plan to do.
This winter they plan to do more, probably also including liquid-fuel stoves, which few Afghan families own.
ECONOMIST: Missing trees reflect the country's woeful recent history
On March 24th in Philadelphia Mrs Clinton outlined a plan to do something about America's mortgage problems.
I'm not going to get into strategy of how many we plan to do, how many we did.
Both homes have been given two weeks to provide a report detailing how they plan to do this.
What specifically do you plan to do in a second term to tackle the issue of climate change?
It is also focusing attention on what the Republicans plan to do to improve opportunities for America's minorities.
He outlines a deceptively simple plan to do so: everything to the Internet.
We're still waiting to hear what Acer (and Alibaba) plan to do next.
Snabe says they do not plan to do an on-premise version for ByDesign.
FORBES: CeBIT: SAP Meets The Press; HANA, Mobile And The Cloud
And now Secretary Duncan will come forward and give you a little bit more on what we plan to do.
If you plan to do a lot, you're probably better off going for the percentage of assets under management approach.
The women playing in Beijing plan to do their part, and they hope to pack the stands as a result.
What will be most interesting to the financial markets will be what he and the chancellor plan to do about it.
Officers have already carried out a controlled explosion on the first van, and plan to do the same on the second.
What you plan to do and how you plan to do it?
FORBES: The Secret to Victory: Feed The Opportunity, Starve The Problem
There needs to be a unified message coming out about what espnW wants to accomplish and how they plan to do it.
Tell investors exactly what you plan to do and then execute, IBM-style.
In Grimm's Fairy Tales, what does the wolf do to Red Riding Hood's granny or the witch plan to do to Hansel?
What I plan to do is look back and see where we have come from and suggest five guideposts for the future.
FORBES: Five Guideposts For The Future Of Leadership and Management
When I partnered with Bain Capital, I proposed to start a new company and presented the partners a plan to do that.
The agency was responding to a newspaper report that a plan to do so could be scrapped because of budget cuts.
You should also consider specifically how much driving you plan to do in deep snow before deciding whether you need all-wheel drive.
Between now and 2014, below is a plan to do just that.
FORBES: Forget The Whining, Here's A Plan For Republicans To Seize The Agenda