You don't take America to war unless you have a plan to win the peace.
But we didn't need to rush to war without a plan to win the peace.
That may be a plan to win an election, but it's not a plan to create jobs.
They are forcing supporters of the background check plan to win 60 of the Senate's 100 votes, a high hurdle.
Mr Prodi now wants to pile on more topics, such as his plan to win new powers for the parliament.
By the end of November 2010 they had sketched together a novel plan to win the prize and submitted it to organizers.
But he says he has a plan to win Iowa and the experience to hit the ground running if he is elected president.
Has he seen any of these ways Democrats are using the Ryan plan to win elections and score political points, and does he have any issue with that?
We're just going to see if this works. (Laughter.) Now, that may be a plan to win the election, but that's not a plan to create jobs.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Campaign Event -- Stamford, CT
In early 2003 he went to work on a McManifesto, "The Plan to Win, " a 6-by-9-foot version of which hangs at the entrance to McDonald's executive suite, illuminated by spotlights.
It will take a much more aggressive capital plan to win over value investors, and AAPL will likely need concrete news of new, potentially lucrative product lines to ignite the stock.
"Hillary is within striking distance of winning the popular vote nationwide -- a key part of our plan to win the nomination, " campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe said in a letter to supporters Sunday.
And on my first day in office, I will send a message to every man and woman in our armed forces: You will never be asked to fight a war without a plan to win the peace.
Turning to the SNP, Mr Rennie said the Scottish government's plan to win independence in the 2014 referendum had been dealt a blow following the leaking of a cabinet document which warned of cost pressures on public spending and volatility in oil revenue.
Anne-Marie Slaughter, a former U.S. State Department official whose essay, "Why Women Still Can't Have It All, " sparked a furor when it appeared in the Atlantic last July, said McKinsey's Mr. Barton has discussed a plan to win back talented women who "stepped off the track" years ago.
His plan was to win an exclusive commercial license to the medical records of everyone in Iceland (with names removed).
"It went to plan but I did just skip through to win the last end, " he said.
But Symonds. who has been banned from Formula One for five years, claims driver Nelson Piquet Jr. first hatched the plan to deliberately crash to help teammate Fernando Alonso win the race.
They also controlled redistricting in North Carolina, where they replaced a Democratic plan with a Republican plan that enabled them to win nine of 13 seats despite narrowly losing the popular vote for the House.
WSJ: Michael Barone: The Meaning Inside the Political Numbers
They also controlled redistricting in North Carolina, where they replaced a Democratic plan with a Republican plan that enabled them to win 10 of 13 seats despite narrowly losing the popular vote for the House.
WSJ: Michael Barone: The Meaning Inside the Political Numbers
Third, Republicans need to find a way to win over voters from those demographic groups if they plan to regain the White House.
FORBES: Bobby Jindal's Jab At Mitt Romney Underscores Republicans' Dilemma
Three weeks later, at their own conference, the opposition Conservatives reiterated their promise to scrap the plan should they win the next election, which looks entirely possible.
Because they know they can't sell their actual plans -- they don't have plans. (Applause.) Their message is designed to try to win an election, but it's not a plan to create jobs.
Attorneys for the plaintiffs plan to release a formal statement about the win on Tuesday.
Besides, he has a plan for how to commemorate a Super Bowl win.
Some parents and community leaders like Universal's plan but say the district botched efforts to win over the neighborhood.
If the Moderates win, the plan is to keep Barry Reamsbottom, the outgoing general secretary and a Moderate, in the job until 2004 and sideline Mr Serwotka.
"A lot of people have been writing me off but I still think I can win races and I plan to race again next season, " said the two-time TT winner.
BBC: SPORT | Motorsport | Motorbikes | Farquhar to compete at Ulster GP