"No sovereign state allows another state to dictate to it, and no sovereign state allows an organisation to dictate to it, " said David Polovin, head of planning for the area ratepayers' association.
At a meeting of the North Area Planning Committee, those opposed to Sainsbury's building its store on the site insisted the application "should be considered on its own merit" and "could not be about football".
The plans for 140 rooms above the car park were refused at the council's west area planning committee on 15 August, on the grounds the loss of car parking facilities during the build would harm trade in the area.
BBC: Police guard at Oxford council meeting after threat made
About the only place that one can safely mention that planning is being done for asset protection reasons in in the area of exemption planning, since exemptions by their very nature are meant to defeat the rights of creditors.
He noted that, this was only possible due to the earlier approval of planning regulations for the area within boundary of the Boulevard ring.
The first area, planning for the expansion of power generating capacity, is beyond the scope of this piece but the second and third is not.
Mr Johnston reckons that the heart of the problem is the lack of a regional mechanism to pull together the work of the various planning agencies in the area's four counties.
Aiden James, director of Tax Trade Advisors, a firm that markets tax avoidance schemes to clients, told the Committee that "tax law is very complex and tax planning is a grey area".
For years, the regional government has been planning redevelopment of the area, in an apparent effort to emulate the likes of Shanghai, which China transformed into a skyscraper metropolis during the economic boom of the 1990s.
He is also author of the new content area on college planning for myStockOptions.com.
County council leader Alan Farnell urged the area's planning authority, Nuneaton and Bedworth Council, to designate the land as green belt.
Stimulate strategic thinking in the area of education planning and management taking into account state of the art knowledge, needs of the Governments, as well as initiatives and services provided by international development agencies.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Chief of Section (23/11/2011) ED 385 - (P5)
Many residents and others who work in the village did not want to go on record about the Gypsy site, for which retrospective planning applications to develop the area were dismissed by the High Court.
BBC: Meriden Gypsy site protest 'brought residents together'
And there have been enough users and positive feedback from citizens that the city has already expanded the Wi-Fi coverage area and is planning on eventually providing free or low-cost wireless service across the entire city.
There certainly are ways to maximize your chances of college financial aid (without gaming the system), and some of them seem like secrets because so few people truly understand financial aid, or the broader area of college planning.
FORBES: NY Times Is Wrong About Maximizing College Aid Chances
His policy revolves around this government's innovation of neighbourhood plans - groups of residents, villages, parish councils, interest groups set up to shape planning decisions in a given area but whatever mix, all designated by a local authority.
The use of commuter sentiment analysis tools has the potential to help cities and local transportation authorities define their priorities, planning and investments in the area of transportation by indicating accurately areas or routes that are particular points of frustration for commuters.
FORBES: New Cities Foundation Says Connected Drivers Are Less Stressed
Given their authorities, programs, and expertise, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) have institutional capacities that can contribute significantly to the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and restoration efforts, including scientific and policy expertise as well as experience gained in the Task Force process and other planning efforts in the Gulf area.
WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order -- Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration
If you are planning to evacuate from a coastal area, make your hotel reservations inland now.
FORBES: 5 Things You Can Still Do To Prepare For Hurricane Sandy
An email said it wasn't available because Mr. Tovera was planning a solo show in the area.
Planning for bank failures is the area where the interests of national regulators collide most forcefully with hopes of international co-ordination.
More than 50 developers were planning projects in the Noida Extension area.
Residents asked the agency if the 720-tonne limit was appropriate in a residential area but the agency said planning permission had to be given before a permit could be issued.
For the moment there is no indication how long the ruling will remain in place, but with rain forecast until the start of next week, anyone planning a beach holiday to the Biarritz area should look elsewhere.
Debra Davis, a director of City TV Broadcasting, which is planning launch next year in the Birmingham area, says it will be different this time because changes in technology will allow channels like hers to produce higher quality programmes and avoid the "amateurish" look and feel of earlier community channels.
Planning officials said the project would regenerate the area, create jobs and new recreational facilities.
Production in the area could start by 2017 if planning applications are approved, creating about 1, 000 jobs.
Visit the SFO Chamber of Commerce website before planning your trip to the San Francisco Bay Area.
The 4, 000 residents eligible to vote in the first local planning referendum live in the most sparsely populated area of England.
BBC: Will a planning referendum in Cumbria catch on elsewhere?
Further, business leaders report their companies allocate an average of 25 percent of their IT budgets to manage some aspect of this trend and nearly four out of five executives are planning to make new IT investments in this area in the next year.