However Flintshire's head of planning, Declan Beggan, recommended that outline planning approval be granted for the latest scheme, subject to various conditions which include landscaping requirements and a single access point from the B5122 road.
However, Flintshire's head of planning, Declan Beggan recommends in a report that outline planning approval be granted for the latest scheme, subject to various conditions which include landscaping requirements and a single access point from the B5122 road.
Plans for 120 new homes in a Suffolk village have been granted outline planning permission.
Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has awarded outline planning permission for the scheme on Newmarket Lane, Rothwell.
Despite the political arguments, Mr Swinney announced in November 2008 that outline planning consent had been given.
The firm will now approach Glasgow City Council with a view to submitting an outline planning application.
An outline planning application for a 35-bedroom hotel and restaurant has been submitted to the local council.
The petition was handed in on the final day of a public consultation on the outline planning application.
Last year, the ministry announced that an outline planning application was being drawn up for the 178-acre site.
The outline planning permission also includes business units, a retail foodstore and space for other commercial and community uses.
It is in the process of meeting with parish councils and community planning groups to outline how they can get involved.
Persimmon's plans have been submitted to Cardiff council for outline planning permission.
But they then voted against granting outline planning permission for the rest of the stadium by a margin of seven votes to four.
Outline planning permission was granted for Lightmoor Village in 2003 for 800 homes which would be a mixture of owned, rented and shared-ownership.
Outline planning permission has been granted to a partnership led by Mr McCloud to convert the Cashes Green Hospital site into 78 homes.
The outline planning application for the new QEII site has been submitted to Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, with a decision expected later this summer.
North Bristol NHS Trust said it would hold its own consultation event in the Autumn, before submitting an outline planning application to South Gloucestershire Council.
BBC: Frenchay hospital housing plan criticised by campaigners
Officers are recommending that outline planning permission is granted to rebuild the existing promenade so that it would be level with the entrance to the new pier.
The city council will begin a public consultation on 29 October, with a decision due to made on 5 November on whether to submit an outline planning application.
The council said Redrow carried out a consultation last summer and was in the process of putting together an outline planning application, but no application was ever submitted.
He has now granted outline planning permission for the development.
Colchester Borough Council has given outline planning permission both for the new factory and for new housing which the jam maker wants to help pay for the new building.
Outline planning permission for 200 houses to be built on the site was granted by South Cambridgeshire District Council in 2010, on condition the agrochemical contamination was cleaned up.
The civic society went to English Heritage after an application to build seven houses in the orchard and other land within the Plas Wilmot estate was given outline planning permission.
Councillors had already given the development outline planning permission in 2010, but had to consider a scaled down version when the academy's main sponsor - Durham University - pulled out.
During the six-month period that the figures cover, the society opened a store in Don Street in St Helier and obtained outline planning permission for the Leale's Yard development in Guernsey.
Those defences - a flood bund, or mound - had been put in place as part of original outline planning permission granted to the Welsh Development Agency (WDA) by Denbighshire council.
The scheme was given outline planning permission in 2006.
BBC: Stanton Cross homes plan: Council could force land sale
The site, which was decommissioned in the 1980s and has outline residential planning permission, was bought by Southport developer Kingswood Homes.
During the strategic planning process we set goals and outline what it will take to win.