It explains how one could theoretically turn the offspring of a wild, berry-size tomato into a plant bearing full-size tomatoes just by tinkering with one gene.
It also said that approval had been given for a plant of similar size in China.
Meanwhile a team of UK scientists is researching biological control of knotweed with fungus and a species of beetle which keeps the plant to a manageable size in its native Japan.
Working continuously seven days a week, this mini-factory can produce a million tyres a year, at an overall cost one-quarter less than that of a mid-size traditional plant, which might produce 6m tyres a year.
The plant in Qom, only modest in size, may have two possible functions.
"The size of land required for a plant will be decided by the government, " Chatterjee says.
He helps produce about 60 varieties, starting with a dark green bud called "Mighty Mite, " a plant for urban window boxes that grows to the size and shape of a corn dog.
Then, plant yourself in one of the bedrooms (all feature queen-size beds) and download a movie from the web using the complimentary wireless Internet.
The firm has amended its plans after a public consultation, altering the size, colour and equipment to be used in the plant on the one-acre (0.4 hectare) site.
Part of the reason why commercial fusion reactors have always been 30 years away is that increasing the size of the reactors to something big enough to be a power plant proved harder than foreseen.
Nearly one and a half times the size of California, the world's fourth-largest island boasts over 12, 000 plant species, nearly 10, 000 of them not found anywhere else, and 346 species of reptile, including 66 varieties of chameleon threatened by a largely illegal international pet trade.
ECONOMIST: Madagascar's natural history: Tales in a twist | The
The size of the ball matters, too, with greater forces exerted by larger balls, said Dr. Plant.
As each quarter reported plummeting home values, the size of the home I could afford grew from a one-bedroom mobile home next to an industrial plant in a dangerous part New Brunswick to a four-bedroom fixer upper with no floors or structural support in Piscataway to 1945 three-bedroom colonial with brand-new carpets, freshly painted walls and a fenced in backyard in a safe neighborhood in Middlesex.
FORBES: Buying a First House in the Midst of a Financial Crisis