The actual vineyard is located in the Yatir Forest underneath the Judean hills, the biggest planted forest in Israel, where you will find carob, pistachio and pine trees.
BBC: The Negev desert wine route
More than 800, 000 Maya nut trees have been planted for rain forest conservation.
CNN: Maya nut changes lives while aiding the rain forest
As we leave the city limits, we drive through a wide girdle of forest, planted as a green belt designed to be both a lung and a windbreak.
BBC: New horizons in Kazakhstan
Two years on, though, fewer than 1, 000 hectares of Welsh forest have been planted.
ECONOMIST: Slow progress on a bold plan to return Wales to forest
Planted just three years ago, the forest now teems with life.
BBC: Rio +20: Joining the ecological dots
The answer is not to promote boycotts of tropical timber or insist, as the Forest Stewardship Council does, that the same forest management rules apply to planted softwood as rainforests.
Roddy Macleod, of Forest Enterprise Scotland, which has planted hundreds of young aspen, said it was a positive project.
BBC: Bid to boost 'charismatic' tree
One million trees will be planted in Uganda to sustain an area of tropical forest in Africa the size of Wales.
BBC: Welsh support for tree planting project in Uganda
There, among the giant irokos, the sapeles and the silk-cotton trees of the forest, she tended the guavas, pawpaws and roseapples she had planted there.
NPR: 'Ancestor Stones:' Life and War in Sierra Leone
For one thing, stands of tapioca and sugar cane have been planted around the island lest the "castaways" prove less than successful at foraging from the forest.
CNN: Have Footage, Will Travel