One such device was found by Theo while supporting 11 Platoon 1 Royal Irish Regiment.
" Gross, the platoon leader, called this mind- set "protect the innocent, punish the deserving.
"I think about them a lot, especially the people I lost in my platoon, " Traiser said.
My platoon would assault the main building and clear miles of tunnels underneath the dam.
He joined the army in 2006 and acquired the nickname "Riggers" in his platoon.
The platoon leader and sergeant were assigned from the company, and of course were white.
With two months left in Vietnam, Delmer welcomed another young soldier to his platoon.
If your brilliant idea requires a supercomputer and a platoon of contractors, forget it.
The burden then falls on young platoon leaders in the field to make hard choices.
In the face of this courage and determination, the platoon rallied to attack with renewed vigor.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Awards Medal of Honor to Korean War Heroes
If one car needs to refuel, it seems silly for the entire platoon to stop.
He was killed in action five weeks later, but only the platoon remembers his name.
Secondly, the majority of the soldiers which you spoke with were in the same platoon.
In Barcelona a few days ago, Volvo demonstrated a platoon of autonomous cars on a motorway.
After a girl was hit, his platoon sergeant picked her up and rushed her to medical care.
One of the stressful strains on platoon and company commanders was recognizing and dealing with battle fatigue.
You see some 23-year-old who's leading a platoon in hugely dangerous circumstances, making decisions, operating complex technologies.
The next platoon heard the shooting, but were too far away to join the fight in time.
WHITEHOUSE: Medal of Honor for Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta
Because most pitchers throw right-handed, batting from the left side gives hitters an edge in platoon situations.
Less than a month later, Marcus and another member of his platoon were attached to my team.
By March 2005, he had completed his training and was assigned to SEAL Team 3, Delta Platoon.
And with the battle over, First Platoon picked up their gear and resumed their march through the valley.
WHITEHOUSE: Medal of Honor for Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta
The ramps went down and I lurched forward onto the harsh ground, beckoning the platoon to follow me.
With no police or language capabilities, the platoon knew who was an enemy only when he opened fire.
He later served as a platoon commander of 34 troops during a six-month tour of duty in Afghanistan.
The platoon rose as one, crouched low and rushed across the bridge to the north side of town.
Garcia has infused his platoon with an aggressive instinct, but he's not foolhardy.
I'm in 1-64 Bravo Company, 1st Platoon, Alpha Section of the Humvee elements.
The soldiers sat for a moment, drinking the soft drink, a platoon staple.
His indomitable courage and complete disregard for his own safety saved the lives of many of his platoon members.