"Those of us who want to enhance this parliament's standing must not playfastandloose with the procedures of this place for party political advantage, " he said.
The presidential candidates are also going to have to eschew the temptation to playfastandloose with the options for rebuilding the sort of U.S. military that will be required down the road.
According to a new study unveiled by the Unum insurance company at the Protect 2011 symposium titled Financial Security for Working Americans: An Economic Analysis of Insurance Products in Workplace Benefits Programs, Americans at all income levels playfastandloose with their ability to support themselves over the long term.
The fact is, companies that play it fast-and-loose with one area of their operations--like financial reporting--are probably inclined to do the same in areas near and dear to shoppers' hearts--like product quality, truth in advertising and merchandise returns policies.