We do know that Depardieu has agreed to play the leading role in a film about Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
Aso also pledged to announce details in the summer of how Japan planned to reach its target of cutting carbon emissions by up to 80 percent by 2050 and said the country could play a leading role in the development of greener technologies.
What this plan recognizes is that while the federal government can play a leading role in encouraging the reforms and high standards we need, the impetus for that change will come from states, and from local schools and school districts.
The United Nations must play a leading role in this effort, filling in the fault lines of the new global era.
Thank heavens Jeff Sessions will play a leading role in the Judiciary Committee's scrutiny of Elena Kagan.
Profs Geim and Novoselov will play a leading role in guiding the collaborative effort.
My government will play a leading role in preparing the European Union for the historic challenge of enlargement.
Starbucks will play a leading role in elevating the whole coffee industry, environmental responsibility and enhancing coffee farmers' lives.
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In his first leading role in a major film, Williams is set to play the iconic artist in the last two years of his life, as seen through the eyes of his manager, Jarred Weisfeld, a former VH1 intern.
This is evident, for example, in the race for best performance of an actor in a leading role in a play.
This Naples Ministerial Council will be key in setting the priorities of the agency in this decade, and Britain has now indicated it wants to play a leading role - but with a very clear purpose: to spur economic growth at home.
Not only did U.S. educators play a leading role in designing and carrying out the study, but the results, which showed U.S. high school students lagging behind those in other industrial countries, attracted widespread attention in the news media and in educational circles.
Hollywood star Kevin Kline picked up the award for outstanding actor in a play for his leading role in Cyrano de Bergerac, opposite Jennifer Garner.
Plaid Cymru were leading a debate on the crucial role that nurses play in the NHS in Wales, on 23 November 2011.
There could be investment to add Journal news and opinion coverage, accelerate product innovation across print and online and help us play the leading role outside the U.S. that we have long played in our home market.
Not only did Syria's Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Faisal Mekdad say President Assad would play a leading role in this transition, he insisted he would run in the next elections set for 2014.
Sunday's match is expected to be decided in the scrum, with the respective front threes set to play the leading role.
In this international response, the United States has been proud to play a leading role.
After a series of indie flicks and some time off to play mom, Paltrow scored big with her leading lady role opposite Robert Downey Jr. in the summer blockbuster Iron Man.
Lucky Guy, the play she was writing at the time of her death, opened on Broadway earlier this month with Tom Hanks in the leading role.