As Yugoslav news reports play up reports of civilian deaths, however, many Serbs don't believe it.
That feature--seemingly designed to play up the privacy threat of Google's huge collection of user data--backfired.
When criticised by his Western allies, Mubarak would play up the threat posed by Islamists.
But Colombia's desire to play up the deterrent effect of the agreement has backfired.
ECONOMIST: Hoist on the petard of a dissuasive defence agreement
Another element is that the the iPad competitors always try to play up their superior specification sheets.
Fox was forced to play up the alien angle of the film instead of the regular-guys-shooting-guns storyline.
Others play up symptoms to obtain something such as a handicapped parking permit or a controlled substance.
Todd wanted to play up the bootmaker's historic appeal with the upper-crust set to attract style-sensitive social climbers.
The media play up bad economic news now more than ever, which leads to misperceptions about economic reality.
Instead of open racial attacks, they play up a threat to national identity and criticize multiculturalism, Feldman said.
For obvious reasons, Turkey has found it convenient to play up the economic dimension of the new partnership.
The Rolling Stones, who recently embarked on their 50th-anniversary tour, can still play up a storm but so what?
WSJ: How to Be an Aging Rocker | Sightings by Terry Teachout
For a player to score 38 goals when he does not even play up front is just amazing.
Indeed, some schools play up the post-program alumni status as a recruiting tool.
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Suther says he's angry because reporters play up McCain's attacks on Obama, but downplay attacks in the other direction.
Should Mr Kerry become the Democrats' nominee, he will probably also play up military service on the campaign trail.
They have story lines that play up the foibles of all people, whether they happen to be gay, straight, or transgender.
To play up the Olympic theme, the two mobile games are set in crowd-filled stadiums and feature awards ceremonies for high scorers.
The owners downplay the Presidential connection, and play up the fact that DC fits their demographic perfectly, matches up with their St.
Hearing more and more legitimate international sources play up the importance of global warming may eventually change attitudes here in the States.
Funds like to play up the difference by offering nicer digs, too.
Sri Lanka's Maximus markets its paper goods through distributors who play up the living wages it pays farmers so they won't kill elephants.
Geordan Murphy hauled him down just short of the line, but it took play up to a very threatening position for the Ospreys.
His fears were passed on to Downing Street with the Foreign Office warning that the press could play up any refusal to help.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Pandas 'sparked diplomatic fears'
To play up the speed of their 4G networks, carriers are emphasizing bandwidth-heavy applications such as video chat and streaming music on these devices.
At the same time, the company is emphasizing water, Gatorade and Tropicana juices as it looks for ways to play up more healthful beverages.
Instead of open racial attacks, they play up a threat to national identity and criticize multiculturalism, particularly as it relates to Islam, Feldman said.
The Fox film attracted three big stars who could play up the comic potential of the story: Jack Black, Steve Martin and Owen Wilson.
Along with extraordinary battery life ranging from 12 to 20 hours and device charging, the speakers allow continuous wireless play up to 33 feet away.
ENGADGET: Braven Six Series speakers offer Bluetooth audio, wired charging
And most crucially, the attempt to play up Hindu-Muslim conflicts in school syllabuses is seen by underprivileged Hindus as glossing over centuries of upper-caste dominance.