His venue this summer will join the Underbelly, Gilded Balloon and the Pleasance in the area, cementing the shift of major venues over the years from the New Town.
BBC: The Assembly Theatre Fringe venue to leave 30-year home
At the Assembly Rooms, the Pleasance and the Underbelly, for example, entrepreneurs try to ensure that most of their big spaces are packed, by using big names and tested shows, a heady mix of two-fifths comedy, two-fifths theatre, and the rest music and dance.
ECONOMIST: The macro and micro of an impromptu festival
Either as a performer or as a punter, there is a uniqueness about the High street and The Pleasance which just seem rightly placed in this historic city for entertainment, not to mention all the other wee venues, where a stand up comic or a jazz sax player can play to one or twenty.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Tiaras and tantrums at Edinburgh Fringe