If you listen, beneath the pleasant acoustic instruments, you hear a tartly sarcastic, gravely judgmental song.
Nevertheless, Team ChatPerf thinks there are possibilities ranging from the pleasant to the completely absurd.
Taipei also offers a surprising number of pleasant spots to walk off all that good food.
It might not be as pleasant as grass between the toes, but it is very convenient.
He appeared pleasant enough to me, softly spoken, until I saw him at work.
Ms. Reed was gorgeous and relaxed, a pleasant woman making a stranger feel at home.
If you press the viscount, his pleasant irony gives way to a surprising bitterness.
"We know what the UK was like before 1979 and it wasn't pleasant, " said Voke.
Cardiff City Supporters' Club spokesperson Vince Alm said Ramsey was a pleasant, unassuming teenager.
So it comes as something of a pleasant surprise that the 11th-richest American, Gordon E.
Some may view this as a pleasant transformation, but it's kind of a letdown.
Even to Hanwell he seemed a kind of mirage, and nothing pleasant about it.
She doesn't remember the pleasant amenities so much as the shortness of the visit.
Clinton is down more than 20 pounds from those days, a pleasant surprise to his doctors.
Many methods of ridding them aren't pleasant, says University of Hawaii entomologist Arnold H.
WSJ: When It Gets Too Noisy in Paradise, They Call the Frog Whisperer
The Colonel returned the look, smiled, and said in his pleasant voice: 'How do you do?
The other set felt equally pleasant but not as relaxed, though also not overly stressed.
FORBES: Study: Relaxed Shoppers are Easy Marks for Inflated Prices
Kevin Macdonald, the director, displays a pleasant nostalgia for the scut work of newspaper reporting.
And what could be a more pleasant way to do both than going to the movies?
The pleasant, low-key atmosphere of veteran Montrachet makes the impeccable fare seem even better.
The process certainly isn't pleasant for musicians who rely on digital technology to compose.
Maybe debate is going to be less pleasant, but it will always be more productive.
Though being courted is pleasant, there is little evidence that Muslims vote as a group.
ECONOMIST: The hunt for an elusive group of by-election voters
The character of St John Quartermaine is described as a pleasant but hopeless teacher.
Anyone who stumbles upon of copy of Neely's album is in for a pleasant surprise.
Nine out of 10 cited high moral character, pleasant personality, a sense of humor and intelligence.
Its management is not just about making the rural beach a pleasant place to visit.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Beach faces tide and untidyness
It is a pleasant walk along the two-lane highway lined with cypress and pungent eucalyptus trees.
We might note there are some pleasant settings on the list, including Asheville, N.
Many suggest that the arena is as nice (if not more pleasant) as many NBA facilities.
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