But yet, when I asked everyone to please don't put this on the news, please, you don't have to say he's in the CIA, because his life was still at stake.
Unidentified Man: (Singing) Don't say yes, but please don't say no.
Sometimes it doesn't work, as in the maudlin "Please Don't Call It Love, " with its weepy, sleepy violin.
Thanks, economists, for your theories, but please don't take all the excitement out of life.
If the Government wants people to come back to the countryside, please don't send confusing messages.
Oh, let's talk about tragedy, but please, please, please don't show the real results.
"Please don't put him in jail, " she wrote at the end of her letter.
The beans will benefit from overnight soaking, but please don't throw away the darkened water in the morning.
If you're playing on a city street, please don't dent the blue Honda, or I will find you.
"We noted that a few violations happened, but please don't generalise that intolerance has increased in Indonesia, " he said.
Please don't be disappointed that I left the city without coming to see you, though you live so nearby.
NPR: 'A Tale of Music': From 'Literature from the Axis of Evil'
Please don't do it, take a diversion - your journey may take a little longer, but you will arrive safely.
"If your friend says to bully somebody, please don't do it, " said the father of Luis, another of the seventh-graders.
As the book title Please Don't Eat the Daisies suggests, actually putting whole blossoms in your mouth seems a little strange.
Please don't take any great comfort from the fact that "only" a fifth of European bank's assets are pledged to borrowers.
So please don't feel shy about signing up to do something new.
And if you do end up switching jobs, please don't tell your parents that you did it on account of my advice.
But please don't cry because my reality show would be so boring.
Perfect time to exploit that slightly deranged dog sock puppet--who reflects every pet's fear of abandonment by wailing "Oohhhhhhh, baby, please don't go!"
"What you are doing will not do us any good and please don't come back telling me you could not resolve the issues, " he said.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Ghana rivals told to end feud
He cobbled together "objects"--please don't call them sculptures--out of found slabs of wood and, in one case, a chickpea and the vertebra of a dog.
So please don't dismiss 2001 as some sort of better-hitting-through-chemistry fluke.
Please don't make any travel arrangements until your attendance is confirmed.
ENGADGET: Google invites Glass pre-order holders to hackathons in New York, San Francisco
Please don't be diverted by the ground noise and the static.
But please don't think that UKIP is just some little pressure group that will go away because someone in Downing Street starts singing the same song.
But what if the OBR is right and the eurozone sorts itself out relatively painlessly (please don't facetiously yabber on about porkers defying gravity and whatnot)?
S. -Uh, please don't whip out your phones in flight.
ENGADGET: Ryanair, Qantas (finally) adding in-flight calling!
"Please don't close the book today at sentencing, " he said.