If you are visiting for business, you will find pleasure sneaks up on you.
On a weekend afternoon in Austin, the middleaged locals were hitching pleasure craft up to their SUVs and heading out to the lake.
She says the wonders of e-technology are no replacement for the simple pleasure of waking up to find a postcard on your doormat.
In these stories told by third parties, one glimpses an extraordinarily honorable and caring Mitt Romney, a man who takes charge and takes responsibility, a man who takes command and knows how to accomplish by delegating but who also takes pleasure in rolling up his sleeves and doing himself what needs to get done.
Stately pleasure domes are springing up all along the coast.
The road petered out in an area with little valleys, ridges, hills, and peaks, but it was not the contours of the land that created the uneven surface but, rather, the layers of things that had been thrown away: everything that the consumerist city had used up and expelled so that it could immediately enjoy the pleasure of handling new things had ended up in this unprepossessing neighborhood.
There was therefore probably something in the conviction of his friends that he had gone up simply for pleasure: to ride the wind-patterns, enjoy the desert landscape, rejoice in his own adventure, and come down again.
In fact, a battery of studies by Diana Tamir and Jason Mitchell of the Department of Psychology at Harvard University found that talking about ourselves lights up the same brain pleasure centers as food, money and sex.
Up to 6 million Chinese are expected to travel abroad this year for business or pleasure--many for the first time--up from 5.3 million in 1997 and 2.8 million in 1992.
What things are actively giving you pleasure that you might have to give up?
FORBES: Chucking It All For A Career Change? Here's Your To-Do List.
Fortunately, the wine market is bursting at the seams with bargains--you don't really have to compromise to stay stocked up on affordable bottles of pleasure and distinctiveness.
FORBES: Forget the price tag-- you'll love what's in the bottle.
Ta-Nehisi Coates has a good post up on reading-for-pleasure vs. forced-reading in the context of schooling and public education.
This documentary, directed by Louis Pepe and Keith Fulton, offers a new twist on the age-old pleasure of watching somebody truly and sumptuously screw up.
"Eating out with friends and family is a pleasure you don't have to give up when you're on a special diet, " said Anne Cain, a registered dietitian and senior editor at MyRecipes.com.
It is truly a pleasure to come to work each day and roll up my sleeves next to them.
He was not only vetted by TaskRabbit, but he was hard-working, showed up on time, and was a pleasure to work with.
As with cigarettes, the pleasure then consists mainly of avoiding the pain of giving up.
For them it was enough to enjoy the simple pleasure of seeing their own country and their own hero up there on the silver screen.
There would be vast amounts of pleasure, goods and activities that we would be giving up earlier in life to prepare for something really still quite unlikely: that cake with the 100 candles.
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You can bump up the hard drive to 40GB running at a speedier 5, 400 rpm if you so desire, though you'll have to give up about two hours of battery life for the pleasure.
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The pleasure of Chinatown is in taking a wrong turn and getting lost, ending up somewhere strange and unexpected.
When the park first went up, Bostonians undoubtedly felt like Kubla Khan must have when a stately pleasure-dome he did decree.
All of this has been processed such that you can wolf it down fast... chopped up and made ultrapalatable.... Very appealing looking, very high pleasure in the food, very high caloric density.
It can recognize up to three people by voice and one by sight, and reacts with visible pleasure to the sight or sound of its owner.
The flight up - which can otherwise be a torturous half hour of self doubt - is a sightseeing pleasure.