Take away the weight of the Capitals' history, and the team's plight doesn't look so dire.
WSJ: History not on Caps' side for Game 5 vs. Rangers
After hearing their stories of hardship, she knew she couldn't ignore their plight.
CNN: Saving children from Cambodia's trash heap
As if the Israeli public isn't aware of his plight.
They don't really care about the plight of European leaders at the mercy of an economic crisis that demands one thing: great integration - but could prompt a political crisis demanding the exact opposite: a looser Europe.
BBC: Americans wade in on Euro crisis
"When it comes down to a vote, a lot of the urban representatives, I don't think they really know the plight on the reservation, " Bryce In the Woods said.
CNN: King: Life is bare bones on the Lakota reservation
Granted, the Grizzlies haven't had much time to think about the plight of their city.
CNN: NBA's Grizzlies inspired by fans in flooded Memphis
Through all the hardship, Weaver doesn't seem the least bit bitter about his plight.
NPR: New Orleans: A Tale Of 2 Cities Since Katrina
In reinstalling the piece, she says that she couldn't help seeing the parallels between Scheherazade's plight and Matisse's own desperate situation.
WSJ: Matisse's The Thousand and One Nights in Pittsburgh
The effort was futile: the monetary pressure wasn't eased, and collapsing trade only added to the plight of industry.
ECONOMIST: A refresher on the 1930s
"We do sympathize with the plight of those affected but, unfortunately, the federal government doesn't have regulatory authority over noise pollution, " the spokesman said.
WSJ: Canadians Make a Racket Over Mysterious 'Windsor Hum'
Not a day goes by that he doesn't think of his 63-year-old mother's plight.
CNN: Suu Kyi's freedom: A catalyst for change or not?
The plight of students, as is too often the case in discussions of education, didn't seem to rate the same concern.
WSJ: Andy Kessler: Professors Are About to Get an Online Education