However, some of the councils think that the airport's profitability means that if it were sold it would raise a lot of money which they could usefully plough into other things, such as repairing school buildings.
Visa's IPO will give it access to money to plough into Asia and Latin America, regions that have not taken to credit cards as enthusiastically as Americans or the British but where business is growing and opportunities for expansion are plentiful.
The economic crisis has hardly been fertile territory for the Conservatives, but their leader clearly judged it was time to plough into Labour's handling of the problems - and hope to bury the awkward questions over his shadow chancellor George Osborne.
The government's latest plans to plough more money into public works will help Hokkaido in the short term.
ECONOMIST: The first of an occasional series on Japan��s economic pains
It was shocking to see the 2008 championship runner-up plough his Ferrari into the tyre wall and then not to initially know what the outcome of his accident was.
He says that Walmart would invest heavily in shops, create jobs, plough profits back into food-supply and cold-storage infrastructure and help to tame food inflation by keeping prices for staple foods low.
Better take the hit over a broken pledge ( and Plaid know their fair share about that sort of thing too) than plough more money into a pretty expensive fig leaf, seems to be their take.
Meanwhile the summit of UK tourism ministers in Glasgow chaired by Scottish tourism minister Alasdair Morrison is expected to discuss calls for Chancellor Gordon Brown to plough extra resources into hotel and catering firms under pressure from the knock-on effects of foot-and-mouth.
The Nigerian government's failure to plough oil revenues back into the villages nearest is oil developments has been the main cause of recent unrests and riots there.
Schering-Plough faces legal investigations into its disclosure and pricing practices, a dismal relationship with the Food and Drug Administration and cutthroat competition on its best-selling drug, a treatment for hepatitis C called Peg-Intron.
Until recently, it has been the norm for tech firms to plough back all their profit and cashflow into investing in the business.
The government hopes that its vast army of civil servants will not only plough a bit of extra cash back into the economy, but that the increase will encourage them to be honest.
ECONOMIST: China's civil service: The strategy behind a pay rise | The
In his career he'd made a decades-old drug invulnerable to generic rivals, made Pharmacia so desirable Pfizer had to buy it and had turned Schering-Plough from a cash-hemorrhaging criminal into a jewel of a stock.
Tayside Police said they had received at least three reports of cars getting into difficulty as a result of drivers attempting to plough through deep water, causing engines to fail.
Schering-Plough thinks its ace in the hole may be a modified version of Claritin that has already been put into the FDAs approval pipeline.
In his career he'd made a decades-old drug invulnerable to generic rivals, made Pharmacia so desirable Pfizer (nyse: PFE - news - people ) had to buy it and had turned Schering-Plough (nyse: SGP - news - people ) from a cash-hemorrhaging criminal into a jewel of a stock.
Or, for that matter, Schering-Plough, recently purchased by Merck, and Warner-Lambert, Pharmacia, and Wyeth, all wrapped up into Pfizer.