• But in the end he gave them what they wanted by plumping for Mrs Palin.

    ECONOMIST: How Barack Obama beat the Clintons and won the White House

  • One is that Mr Putin simply wants to keep the world guessing, before plumping for one of the two front-runners.

    ECONOMIST: Russia's government

  • Gillespie told BBC Sport that he had turned other offers from "lower down" before plumping for the loan move to Charlton.

    BBC: Gillespie joins Charlton on loan

  • It might mean staying in the biggest cities but plumping for lower-quality assets, or moving into the best locations in secondary cities.

    ECONOMIST: Prime numbers

  • Dr Blumberg believes the compound interferes with the body's normal fat-formation process, and puts its fat-storage mechanism on overdrive, plumping up the person.

    ECONOMIST: Obesity

  • Plumping first to explore the city's northern reaches, take a stroll through Central Park's astoundingly uncrowded avenues, from Columbus Circle all the way up to Central Park North.

    BBC: Summer in the city: New York

  • It equivocated before plumping for the crowd-pleasing option.

    ECONOMIST: The coalition��s performance

  • Plumping for "something else", Alan contacted Ian Evans.

    BBC: News, Sydney

  • The company also recognized that it needed to have capabilities distinct from its gaggle of smartphone competitors, so it embraced a merger with HP without plumping for diversification strategies such as the ones Motorola pursued.

    FORBES: Does Your Company Have Motorola Disease?

  • Rather than endorse one vision or another, the two leaders compromised by plumping for both: a head of the European Council elected by heads of government and a commission president elected by the European Parliament.

    ECONOMIST: Rendezvous in Versailles | The

  • He fatally undermined the idea that moral behaviour is a matter of dispassionately calculating the likely outcomes of alternative courses of action and plumping for whichever option stands to yield the greatest utility or happiness.

    ECONOMIST: Bernard Williams

  • Plumping down at his receptionist's desk, and ignoring his tidy and little-used office, he listens to two businessmen who want to build a cinema but are facing hurdles getting the local authority to seal the project.

    CNN: No More Mr. Tough Guy

  • It was remarkable that he was elected on a first ballot, with well over two-thirds of the 1, 010 Italian worthies in the electoral college (a large majority of them parliamentarians, with a smattering of regional bigwigs) plumping for him.

    ECONOMIST: Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Italy��s new president

  • Oli Hyatt, chairman of the industry lobby group Animation UK, said that if you asked children they would have been plumping for what they are watching now, rather than adults who are voting on what they watched when they were young.

    BBC: 'Warm and cosy' British animation

  • The presidential vote was the first to go, with the five deep southern states (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina) plumping for Barry Goldwater in 1964 in spite of the fact that their congressional delegations were Democrats almost to a man.

    ECONOMIST: The politics of the South

  • Though five-star resorts such as the Intercontinental, the Hyatt and the Kempinski have long made their mark on this most diminutive of Indian states (all characterised by top-notch service, opulent surroundings and calm, sand-raked beaches) there is nevertheless much charm to be had in forsaking the mammoth swimming pools and generic - if generous - resort bedrooms, and plumping instead for a stay in one of Goa's most evocative, charismatic, heritage boutique hotels.

    BBC: Goa's boutique gems

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